Author Topic: Biking Yellowstone  (Read 22292 times)

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Offline azjazzman

Biking Yellowstone
« on: May 10, 2024, 04:50:06 pm »

i am a "newbie" to this group.  I'm planning a trip from Phoenix to Yellowstone Park.  Anyone know of group or club that is riding the roads through the park or east through the Tetons and Western Wyoming (via the Bike Trail Across America, i have the map)?  I'm thinking early September, but could be persuaded to make it July or August instead.   

Thanks, keep peddling!!

Offline jamawani

Re: Biking Yellowstone
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2024, 10:08:43 am »
Welcome - you'll find a lot of helpful info here.
You may wish to do a site search on Yellowstone info since it has been discussed many times.

A few quickies -
a) Yellowstone has heavy tourist traffic and fairly narrow roads.
Some people are against riding there, but there are ways to do it and avoid most traffic.
Most families and tour busses don't get out until after 9am and are gone by by 5pm.
Getting up at dawn and riding is chilly, but amazingly worth it.
All but one campground have hiker/biker sites so you can ride late knowing that there's a spot.
b) Yellowstone's climate is the exact opposite of Phoenix's.
So when it's brutal in Phoenix, it's nice and pleasant in Yellowstone.
And when it starts to cool off in Phoenix - i.e. Sept. - the snow returns to Yellowstone.
September is gorgeous but very changeable. Also, facilities start closing.
c) Remember - NEVER eat in your tent.
Not in Phoenix, not in Iowa, and certainly not in Yellowstone.
You may not be able to smell the peanut butter from last month,
but the bears can.

Happy trails! - Jama
« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 10:11:02 am by jamawani »

Offline azjazzman

Re: Biking Yellowstone
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2024, 04:33:09 pm »
Thanks so much for the valuable information!

David S