Author Topic: Companions Wanted Section  (Read 44663 times)

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Offline DaleNimmo

Companions Wanted - TransAm:E2W western half June thru Aug
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2024, 12:50:17 pm »
Greetings, will be leaving Springfield MO = home on or very near June 16,2025. Will be riding the TransAm Route from home to Florence OR and then the PCH to Crescent City, CA
Here’s what makes my ride ‘unique’:
I’ll be traveling both by car and by e-bike. I’ll be breaking camp (or motel) and cycling ~45 miles west then return to car, and leap frog ~50 miles to a new camp (or motel), charge the batteries and repeat the process daily to Crescent City. Having the car allows me to carry a generator in the odd chance I don’t find a way to charge the bike, plus it allows me to have emergency shelter overnight (just in case) PLUS it provides me my ride home at the end so as to avoid either a plane/train/bus/ & UPS for my bike

IF I have a companion then the daily cycling can be doubled as the two of us will trade off every other day; one cycling, one driving. Personally I find this the best of both worlds. I am an old codger of 68 with a slight leg impairment making standard touring quite difficult. Am happy to camp/motel/WS where the conditions dictate. I love it all! (Except anything fish or seafood) and I’m a pretty good cook and talker. Touring is great and even greater when shared so, holler back at me

Dale, aka cycleguy417

Offline dmcgrail

Re: Companions Wanted Section
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2025, 07:30:40 am »
Great Divide Northbound Starting May, 2025
I am planning to ride the Adventure Cycling Great Divide route northbound beginning in late May, 2025 and am looking for a companion(s) for safety and social reasons.  This would start at Antelope Wells, the Mexican border, and head north.  I am 71 y/o, but rode the northern leg, southbound, from Banff to Wyoming last summer.  I have to be back in Iowa by July 8th, so it is possible this trip would only be up thru northern Colorado.  I estimate doing about 50 miles a day depending on terrain and weather.  Last summer I experienced 22 to 98 mile days.  I like to mostly camp out as one meets more fellow travelers that way, but have no objection to staying in hostels/motels if available.

Offline msporty1

Re: Companions Wanted Section
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2025, 04:05:56 pm »
India - January 2026
I am an experienced bicycle traveler, mid-60s in age, and very fit.  I have Indian relatives but very little ability to communicate in any Indian language.  I'm thinking of cycling through parts of India in January/February of 2026 and it would be great if I could find a travel companion.  Small hotels and/or guest houses, no camping, 80-120km per day depending on conditions.  I'm hoping to find some roads that are not too busy.  Anyone interested?  Please email:

Offline bobbyb

Looking to Form TransAmerica Trail Group Late May (Will go either direction)
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2025, 05:19:06 pm »

I am looking to form a group to do Transamerica trail leaving in May. Mileage will vary by region, but hoping to be in the 65-75 miles per day average range. If you can only join for part of the trip that works with me! The earliest I can start is May 21st. I am open to route changes, or even going West to East rather than my current plan of East to West. I am really excited by the opportunity, and hope that I can build a group. Happy to hop on a call with whoever and form some plans.

Offline edmilkman

MN to NY sections of Northern Tier
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2025, 10:47:21 pm »
I am 64 yr old experienced tourer who would like to join one or more May to mid July '25 to do another 2 to 4 weeks from MSP airport on either the North Lakes connector to Detroit, or the main southern route down through IL, IN, OH maybe all the way to Niagra Falls. Baseball fan too so detour to see MLB game a plus or even minor league game. I have already done the NT west of MN, and did  Detroit to ME also. I can average 60-80mi per day but no less than 50/day ; with camping unless motel is cheaper or camp site too far off rt.

Offline Lakeviewbiker

Re: Companions Wanted Section
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2025, 12:51:21 pm »
I am looking for companions to do some light touring of a few days at a time.  I am particularity interested in road riding down the coast of California possibly from Santa Barbara to San Diego or similar.  Also interested in doing some gravel riding possibly in Wisconsin.  I have mapped out a couple of circular rides taking in some of Wisconsin's rail trails.  Prefer to stay in motel / hotels.  Open to other suggestions.  69, male.

Offline 88Ride

Across USA W to E June 2025
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2025, 04:48:35 pm »
On June 1 I will be riding out of Cape Flattery, WA for New Smyrna Beach, Fl. I will be taking (generally) the following ACA routes. Washington Parks to Yakima, WA then east across US 12 to Lewiston, ID where I will take the Lewis&Clark to TransAmerica to Illinois where I will drop south join the Underground Railroad Trail to the Gulf Coast. From there I plan on following the Gulf Coast to the big bend area of Florida then across the peninsula to New Smyrna Beach. I expect to take about 3 months to do this.
I am looking for anyone that would ride all part or join me somewhere along the way. I plan on starting out doing about 35 to 45 miles a day and working myself up to an average of 60 to 70 miles a day by the end of the first week or so. I will be riding 6 days and taking one rest day off a week.