Author Topic: Powdered milk  (Read 23800 times)

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Offline davidbonn

Powdered milk
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:14:19 am »
I found this pretty appealing powdered milk on Amazon:

It comes either in monster-sized cans or in a box with 18 small packets.  Each packet makes about 250ml of milk.  Also it is a whole milk powder, which gives you a few more calories than most powdered milk options.  The downside is that whole milk doesn't preserve as well and it has about a 1 year shelf life, rather than the decades that nonfat milk powders can last.

Experiments so far shows that it hits the spot fairly well in coffee.

This is probably an excellent choice for fast-and-light bikepacking trips and shorter tours of a few days or so.  I suppose you could order from Amazon on journey and ship it to you General Delivery someplace where you are going to intercept a post office. 

Offline staehpj1

Re: Powdered milk
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2024, 08:25:56 am »
I have always had good luck with the huge cans of Nido powdered whole milk.

The product you linked seems to be listed as "currently unavailable".  I like the idea of the individual packets.  I have found that opened cans of Nido keep quite a while, but suddenly stop dissolving properly if stored for too many months after opening.  If you buy a can and use it for a trip that isn't a problem, but if you keep it around for future trips it may be.  I have repackaged Nido into heat small sealed bags with a vacuum sealer.  You can even use the aluminized mylar bags and it will probably keep real long.  On the other hand you can just pitch it before it gets too old.  The do sell a smaller size if you can find it.

Offline davidbonn

Re: Powdered milk
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2024, 10:15:38 am »
It (Laqtia whole milk powder in small packets) is still available here, apparently:

My experience is that whole powdered milk is difficult to find in grocery stores on journeys.  And even more difficult to find in quantities that are realistic to carry with you.  And whole milk is a way better idea than skim or nonfat milk if you can manage it.

If I can find it, I like to buy little bottles of shelf-storable milk (aka "Hawaiian Milk") at grocery stores (Safeway in that Pacific NW is a pretty reliable source) before camp for breakfast the next morning.  If I can hit a store within a few hours of camp (and usually I can) that works out the best.

Also a very reliable way to make friends and be popular with other bike tourists is if you bring a pint of half & half to camp.  That's more than you can possibly need for coffee and cereal in the morning and plenty to share with others.