Author Topic: GDMBR 2025 Part 1: Banff to Steamboat CO  (Read 2060 times)

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GDMBR 2025 Part 1: Banff to Steamboat CO
« on: August 22, 2024, 01:44:44 pm »
Hi there,
I'm planning to do the GDMBR in two sections - the first half next summer (2025) and the second the following (2026). Spending the next 8 months planning, prepping, and training. Would welcome a partner to ride with through this upper half of the route ... if anyone out there is thinking about doing it this far in advance. Would love to connect, and share ideas on preparing and training for it. I'd prefer to do the entire route at once but I can't take that much time away from work, family, etc.

Looking to start sometime in mid-June 2025 (hoping for good weather). Would welcome hearing from anyone thinking about this for next year.


Offline 71MMach1

Re: GDMBR 2025 Part 1: Banff to Steamboat CO
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2024, 09:26:13 am »
There is a chance that I may do the entire route next summer however I have several things that have to fall into place before I can commit myself at this early point. My tentative plan was to travel solo sometime after the start of the race on June 13th as the weather is usually better later in June. If the weather is exceptional in May and June then I would consider a June 13th start with all the racers. Travelling with a companion is possible but the pace of travel could be the issue as I want to complete the entire route in 30-40 days...hopefully. Your desired pace might be a faster or slower so it's a consideration. We could touch base next year in the spring to see how our plans are progressing and take it from there? In the meantime, good luck with your planning.


Re: GDMBR 2025 Part 1: Banff to Steamboat CO
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2024, 11:25:42 am »
Hi there,
And thanks for the reply. I'm not considering the race, but rather doing the "Tour Divide" version (i.e. GDMBR proper) shortly after the racers have set off on the tour (maybe a few days after the official start of the race). In any case, keep me in mind and keep me posted as you start planning your adventure.  I'm nonetheless interested in how you progress towards next summer.  Thanks again and take care!

Offline 71MMach1

Re: GDMBR 2025 Part 1: Banff to Steamboat CO
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2024, 07:01:03 pm »
Hi Matthew.
Thanks for the reply. Yes....let's see what 2025 brings.