Author Topic: Everglades Gulf to Ocean  (Read 9489 times)

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Offline Triker Greg

Everglades Gulf to Ocean
« on: November 14, 2024, 10:55:58 am »
I'm pedaling the Southern Tier next year
and plan to extend the route by going down the gulf coast to maybe Naples. I'll cross over to somewhere on the Ocean coast and pedal up to Jupiter where I'll finish.

??? Can anyone recommend a good route through the everglades???

My goal is to pedal through as much nature as possible - see some wild life, etc.

However, I'm on a recumbent trike, so prefer pavement. Dirt roads are ehhh, ok. Deep gravel farm-type roads, not so good. Single (or double) track is very difficult unless very short distances (a few miles, maybe)

I'm open to all suggestions.  THANKS!

Triker Greg 👨