Author Topic: looking for advice  (Read 14851 times)

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Offline dmontero

looking for advice
« on: October 20, 2003, 11:21:12 pm »
Hi everybody,
After making it slog through traffic every day for five months,
I'm finally getting my 5 mo. old Cross-Check out into the wilds
(as they are in tidewater, Virginia).
This is going to my first extended (more than one day) trip
myself.  I'll be leaving from my house on the 8th for two
weeks to check out as much of the south as I can and spend
some time alone with my thoughts.
I have some questions:
Routes leaving from Richmond, Virginia toward the
southeast? The Transamerica trail runs 25 miles north of
here, but I'm thinking that I'd like to ride southwest. I don't
know if there are any Virginians on this posting, but if there
are I would love some advice.
What were things you brought or didn't bring on your first ride
that you needed/never used?
What are the parts that are going to wear the most? fastest?
That I would be most unlikely to have thought of? Chains?
derailleurs? cables? I'm not too much of a mechanic,
although I'm learning.
What is something that you didn't think of at all before your
first ride, or that you think I might not have thought of?
Well, thanks for any help you can give.
happy trails,
Daniel Montero
Anyway, thanks for any help.

P.S. sorry webmaster and all for posting without a title

Offline perkinsovich

looking for advice
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2003, 01:05:22 pm »
I've not been in your area, but I do know that there's an Adventure Cycling map showing the route from Richmond down through the outer banks of North Carolina, as well as an inland route.  

Best of luck on your trip.

randy perkins
northfield mn
randy perkins
northfield mn

Offline trevay

looking for advice
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2004, 02:18:36 pm »
In 1998, I rode from Charlottesville to Williamsburg, Virginia, and back.  My route back to C'ville was the Transamerica Route, with the exception of going through Richmond instead of circling around it.  The route east was one of my own development that crossed the James and then followed the Appomattox River east to Petersburg.

You might find the eastword route useful to ride in reverse.  Be aware, however, that Southside Virginia is very rural, and while that makes for a pretty ride through tobacco and grain fields over roads traveled by Phil Sheridan in pursuit of Lee's Army in April 1865, you won't find many places to stay.  I camped at a place called Bear Creek Lake State Park in Cumberland County, and it was the only place I could find for miles around.

My home-made cue sheets are on my website at .  Look at the menu on the left for "Cue Sheets," and click on the Civil War item.  (I'm one of these guys who's nuts about the War Between the States, and I love riding around battlefield areas.)

I've developed a route for another Civil War bike tour that begins in Washington DC and ends in Richmond, getting there via Harper's Ferry, WV, and Winchester, Harrisonburg, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Appomattox Court House and Amelia Court House, Virginia.  I haven't had the time off from work to do this yet, however, and I also don't have a good route to get into Richmond from Amelia.  Richmond is sprawling all over the place, and roads that only a decade ago were country lanes are now multi-lane, divided thoroughfares, which aren't pleasant to ride on.

The rest of it, from Amelia to Roanoke, might be useful to you.  If you'd like what I have for this route, drop a line back here.
