Author Topic: misery in missouri  (Read 23431 times)

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Offline dano

misery in missouri
« on: October 30, 2003, 10:07:05 pm »
I'm planning a trip to central Texas next spring. I'm mapping out most of the route myself. I've heard a lot of bad stories about Missouri which is a big chunk of the trip (roads,people,ect) I'm sure it can't be any worse than other places...can it?

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Offline transam2002

misery in missouri
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2003, 03:21:21 am »
I rode thru Missouri last summer on the Trans Am and was nervous like you.  However, we found the people in the state to not only be as pleasant but more so than people in other states.  People routinely waited to pass us on narrow roads and were genuinely friendly.  We had heard things about certain towns where kids would rough up bikers in the City Park, so we opted to sleep in a motel in that town.  Honestly, we found drivers and locals to be more mean-spirited and nasty in our home state of California than Missouri.  The humidity was the toughest part of MO.

Offline dano

misery in missouri
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 03:24:33 am »
If things work out I'd also like to go from my visit in Tx. to see relatives in tucson.I would use part of the southern tier rout at least thru El Paso.Whens the best time of the yearto be making thisleg of the trip?I was thinking of going in sept.  

Offline juliocesar

misery in missouri
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2004, 02:37:40 pm »
I biked the TransAm trail in 2002.  You will love Missouri.  My friend and I found the Ozarks to be beautiful.  When we rode through Missiouri we got rained on almost the whole way.  We were wet and cold most of the way.  One day, I broke a spoke going down a hill and it caught my derailure and ruined my whole wheel.  We had an adventure getting it repaired.  A local biker with a pick up truck picked me up and drove me 40 minutes to a bike shop.  We loved Springfield.  If you find bikers in Missouri they are all willing to give you a hand.  We had some good times there.  You will love the hostile in Golden City.  I think it was one of my favorite ones.  There were some great thirft shops there where we found some cheap movies, cheaper that renting them from a local video shop.  We left them at the hostile.  The cabinets were full of food.  The negative things that I remember from this part of the country were the dogs and coal trucks.  It is worse in KY than MO.  We also stayed at local church one day that there was a lot of lighting.  They were so kind to us.  They had a food pantry and let us raid their pantry for dinner.  We had a fest.  The one thing I suggest is if you go while school is in session take a great when school lets out.  The kids like to drive fast during that time and it can be a little nerve racking.  But other than that the people were great.  One guy stopped on a scooter and encouraged us up the long steep hill.  That was the first ime we had anyone encourage us up a long climb.TextText

Offline robert

misery in missouri
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2004, 07:38:40 pm »
Day Tripper

I rode through Missouri in 2002.  I had heard all the horror stories.  There are extremely narrow roads sans shoulders,sharp curves, tons of hills,skin scalding, and humidity that would float a ship's anchor.  That said, The people in Missouri, though not as friendly as the people in Kansas, neither were they pains in the . . . . I felt that they gave me as much road room as the situation allowed. I had to hit the ditch a couple of times due to semi's, oncoming traffic and hilltops.  I was never yelled at (well, maybe once) and never flipped off.  There is a real crabby bait shop owner in the Ozarks but I forget his exact location (13 miles east of Johnson Shut-Ins state park).  I would say, expect the best.

Offline Jackalope

misery in missouri
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2004, 06:29:25 am »
I also rode Missouri in 2002!  I have to say this was the one state that caught me totally off guard.  It's scenery and challenging hills in the Ozarks were a highlight of my TransAm tour.  The downside was I took advice from some locals to not get out of the water at Johnson's Shut In's and we all got a nice jolt when a bolt of lightning touched down.  Scary but I lived through it..  And yes, watch out for semis on those narrow roads, they haul a$$ and if you get one passing with one oncoming, it's a recipe for disaster.  I had to bail once, not a lot of fun.

Just keep an open mind and watch your back.. you'll be fine

Offline dano

misery in missouri
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2004, 10:18:38 pm »
Thanks everyone.I think I,ve finally nailed down my rout.First crossing the Miss. at Alton Ill. on the new Clark bridge(bike friendly) and entering the Katy trail at St. Charles to Jefferson city.South to Branson then into Arkansas to see some freinds.Most of the way is planned near state or nat. parks for camping.

Offline Jackalope

misery in missouri
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2004, 05:29:34 am »
Cool.  I hope you get to hit the Ozarks, they are amazing.  Get ready for the down hill (if you're heading east) near Alley Springs, I hit 45 mph with very little effort.  Steepest downhill on the entire TransAm imo.  Peace!!

Offline racerm305

misery in missouri
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2004, 10:58:35 pm »

I live in St. Louis and grew up in the state.  Would love to meet you visit maybe learn more about your route.  I moved back from Dallas 3 yrs ago and haven't done any tours yet.  Growing up in the state you take for granted what's in your back yard.  Email me I'd love to meet you when your in the St. Louis area.  I'd also be glad to help you out if you have any mechanical problems.

Happy Riding,

Offline bloom1naz

misery in missouri
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2004, 01:22:50 pm »
Hello, I'm looking for a route from Pilot Point, TX (north of Dallas) to Indianapolis.  With your experience in Texas, could point me in a direction.