Author Topic: Need your support!  (Read 12825 times)

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Offline jsiefert

Need your support!
« on: November 15, 2003, 02:04:45 am »
First.... sorry for the spam....

Hello... My name is Jason and I am not going to beat around the bush. I need everyone that reads this message to just donate $1 to the National MS Society. This donation is in support of the biggest MS150 ride in the country, the BP MS150: Houston, TX to Austin, TX - over two days. Over 10,000 riders showed up last year. My goal this year is to raise $10,000 - one dollar for every rider. If I can get just 1 dollar from 10,000 people I can meet my goal. I'll do what ever it takes. Need some homework done? Need your car washed? Just need a back rub? I'm your man - just donate that dollar =^). What's one dollar to those of us that are healthy enough to get out and ride whenever we want? It is very easy to donate electronically at the National MS Society's web site using a credit card. Follow this link:

The ride is in April 2004. I am trying to get started early to allow time to meet my goal and allow companies think about sponsoring me next year. And any donation of $500 or more will receive a personalized letter of appreciation to display. The National MS Society will send me an email making me aware of donations of this size so that I may respond accordingly.

Thank you so much in advance for your support to help fight this crippling disease! Together we can wipe out MS!

This message was edited by jsiefert on 11-14-03 @ 10:05 PM