Author Topic: Recumbent Bike Touring  (Read 17825 times)

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Offline geary

Recumbent Bike Touring
« on: February 09, 2004, 01:37:04 pm »
I would like to chat with recumbent bike riders who have toured cross country on their bike. I have toured half way accross the US on a full suspension mountain bike. Now for the last half I'm tring to decide if I want a rode bike or a recumbent.

Thank You

Offline rootchopper

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 01:53:38 pm »
I recommend you check out  they have several recumbent tour journals, my own included.  I think the link is

You can contact the authors via their Guestbooks

My vote is for recumbent touring, unless you are riding on really rough, unpaved terrain.


Offline MrBent

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2004, 02:31:39 am »
I really became I cycle tourist because of recumbents, and I wouldn't do a paved road tour with anything else.  The challenge is to find a style of recumbent that works well for you.  Most people tend to think that a long wheel base design is the most stable and best suited to touring though many have used short wheel base designs, too.  I currently ride a Tour Easy by Easy Racers, a bike long considered a bench mark for touring.  With panniers that fit under the seat, handling is superb, almost as if the bike is not weighed down at all.  I love it.  Do your best to find a shop where you can try as many as possible.


Offline geary

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2004, 02:08:59 pm »
Thank you for your imput on the tour easy. I have ridden this bike several time and always wonder about the tightness in the steering. One major concern in going up hill will I get the wobblies and wonder in  the middle of the road. What are you thoughts? Also I have a BOB for touring and do not need to carry anything other than water bottles etc.


This message was edited by geary on 2-20-04 @ 11:53 AM

Offline bentrider

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2004, 01:11:39 pm »
I ride recumbents (I have 2) though the longest tour I've ever done is only 1200km at any one time. I average over 4000km a year on just short trips.I do have hopes of doing a across Canada tour in the next 5 years.

My bikes are both SWB bents and though sturdy little beasts I don't think they have it in them to do a across country tour. I may get me a Tour Easy-Expedition for that type of trip. Breaking up a x-country tour into smaller sections enables one to spend more time in sight seeing and enjoy local hospitality.

Offline bent4me

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2004, 12:53:19 pm »
I have 3 recumbents.  A SWB, LWB, and Trike.  I did a 4 day self contained tour with my son on my SWB and LWB.  I use 2 sets of panniers on each bike using an underseat rack in addition to the rear rack.  Very stable with the underseat rack as the bags are close to the ground and centered on the bikes.  Recumbents climb well but slow, so you need to have low gearing.  On the flats or down hill they are very stable and fast.  It takes a few months to get your bent legs as you use different muscles.  They are much better for touring as you are always looking up and can really enjoy the senery, along with comfort you have yet to experience.  Once you get used to a recumbent you will never go back.

Offline MrBent

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2004, 12:55:41 pm »
Hi, Geary:  Sorry for waiting so long to reply.  I just saw your new post.  As far as stability in hill climbing, after a short learning period, you should not wobble or wonder in any significant way.  Remember, most upright riders wobble a bit too in slow speed climbing.  I have ascended many, many thousands of feet (I ride in the Sierras of southern California) and no dangerous wobblies yet.  And, of course, the more experience you get, the straighter the line you can hold.

You should know, however, that all other things being equal (ha!), short wheel base bikes have better slow speed handling.  On my previous SWB, I could easily creep up hills at about 3--3.5 mph, sometimes a bit slower.  In my defense  :) I usually don't go this slow!  But I wanted to see just how slow I could move and still remain in control.  The SWB was amazing in this regard.  A long wheel base is more difficult to manage at such low speeds.

If you are seriously considering a SWB, think about one that is suspended.  This would be very nice to have for long tours.  LWB bikes naturally absorb lots of road shock, so suspension isn't really needed.

BTW, if I were to buy a LWB again, I'd probably go with the Longbikes, "Slipstream"--a beautiful, solid bike with dual disk brakes and underseat steering.  I hope to own one some day.

Best of Luck!


Offline skyraider

Recumbent Bike Touring
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2004, 03:54:16 pm »
Sounds cool... I'd like to  try a recumbent bike, if I could fork up the dollars  :confuse:

This message was edited by skyraider on 3-20-04 @ 12:55 PM