Or you could box it yourself, and pay (usually) $80 to the airline to take it as baggage. Takes a little while to get it into the box, depending on your bike, the box, how much you have to disassemble, how many times you have done it. Took me about 2 1/2 hours the first time, one hour the second time. Requires allen wrenches and a pedal wrench, plus whatever additional tools you might need to take racks and fenders off. There's a picture and description in the LP Cycling New Zealand. Don't forget tape and zip ties. Also, put all loose parts you take off the bike in a bag and tape or ziptie it to the bike, in case the airline opens or damages the box, so you won't loose your parts.
I have heard you can get a bike box for like $20 at some airports, but haven't tried it myself.
You should be able to get a box from a bike shop for free or cheap, if you can find a shop that has been building bikes. Also try Walmart, Kmart, etc that sell bikes.
Some hotels near airports provide courtesy shuttle vans, you could try to find a hotel/bike shop/airport that are pretty close together and box your bike up in the hotel room the night before. Less stressful that way. I just did the reverse of this in L.A. (of course, i didn't have to source a box).
good luck.