Author Topic: Summer Plans  (Read 19377 times)

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Offline wanderingwheel

Summer Plans
« on: May 19, 2004, 08:43:59 pm »
It's pretty quiet around here so I must assume that everyone is off making their summer plans, or maybe even riding already.  So lets hear them.  Where are you riding this summer?  How far, how many days, with who?

I will be riding Route 66 through California, Arizona, and into New Mexico, and then up the Rockies to Colorado Springs.  I only have about 2 weeks so its going to be a stupid fast trip but I need to get to Colorado Springs.  It will be in June, so I will be getting some more lights for the night desert riding.

Who else is riding this summer?

Offline jimmcw

Summer Plans
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 03:29:28 am »
June 19 Begin Astoria to Bar Harbor. Two old guys (60+)  
and a youngster (she's only 58). Lewis and Clark Route to
Williston then Eastward Ho!

Offline brad

Summer Plans
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 07:49:47 am »
next week i start my trip from the bodensee (lake constance) through the black forest to colmar france and up the french side of the rhine and then back over the my house in heidelberg germany. should be fun.

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener

Offline dombrosk

Summer Plans
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 10:23:05 pm »
Nice topic!  It's fun to share our daydreams.  

This will be my first summer getting into self-contained touring.  In June I'm taking the Adventure Cycling Intro to Road Touring workshop in Wisconsin.  My solo shakedown ride will be about 200 miles of the Northern Tier heading south (east) from St. Paul, MN to the Effigy Mounds in Iowa.  In July I'll be riding the MS-TRAM again (great annual event in Minnesota) and am contemplating ignoring the luggage trucks and  riding self-contained as part of my training.

All this is preparation for my bigger daydreams of riding Astoria to St. Paul in 2005, and St. Paul to Bar Harbor in 2006.

As a young guy of 51 it's great to hear about some other mature individuals like jimmcw planning long rides.

Offline Don

Summer Plans
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2004, 06:18:26 am »

My wife and I are going to Romania this summer for 4 weeks riding around Transylvania.  Last summer we went to Hungary for 3 weeks, and year before that to Czech Republic.  We rode the Prauge-Vienna greenway and it was great trip, I would recomend it to anyone considering riding in eastern (central) Europe.  We're leaving the end of April and of course we been planning for months and wish we could leave right now.
By the way Dombrosk we are older as well I'm 58.

Offline gdandy

Summer Plans
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2004, 07:24:00 pm »
I'm planning on doing the Pacific Coast ride from Vancouver to the top of Mexico sometime in the fall (probably starting September).  I'm going with a guy that has never toured before but is very anxious to try.  If anyone else is interested in the trip, contact me.

A summer without a tour would be an unproductive year.

Offline Jackalope

Summer Plans
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2004, 07:36:50 pm »
Hey gdandy, I was thinking about riding the same route about that time of year.  I end my job here in Arizona at the end of July, I guess that would give me a month to meet up with you.  I imagine I could always hop on a bus if it came down to it.  

Send me an email if you get a chance: :)

Offline jeffWPG

Summer Plans
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2004, 03:51:02 am »
Now that classes are done for the summer...
In exactly one week I am departing from Winnipeg Manitoba (where I live) and cycling to Duluth Minnesota. I have given myself a week, and if I reach Duluth in less than five days I will venture south to the twin cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul).
This is my first tour longer than two days, so I am a little nervous, but very, very excited.


Summer Plans
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2004, 05:28:55 pm »
I'm doing a canada/great lakes tour for July and August.  Go summer break, yah!
ps. This is a great site and an informative forum. Thanks to everyone who posts!

Offline Dan

Summer Plans
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2004, 10:50:09 pm »
Starting at Antilope Wells on May 30th for a south to
north self-contained tour on the GDMBR.  Just me
and a good friend from college.  After a year of
planning, talking, and thinking about it, it's finally
going to happen!

Offline Travelinguyrt

Summer Plans
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2004, 09:22:25 pm »
Leaving Ft Lauderdale Fl July04 for 8-10 weeks(maybe longer) in Europe.
Frankfurt,A-Dam, Berlin,the Rhine and Mosel River valleys, Dresden,Prague,Vienna, Budapest,to Florence, Sienna, Rome,Italy and French Med coasts, not sure about Spain,then into France to the Loire, Normandy, Chartres and Paris, then to Frankfurt and back  to the USA
Hope to meet up with some other "traveling alone riders",doing some camping, some hostels, some B&Bs

First trip to Europe,retired early;50s, single, have all the time in the world.....
When I return moving to either Colorado to do mountain riding or to California to do coastal riding there.
Would utimately like to ride from Vancouver/Victoria, B.C. to the tip of the Baja. Would enjoy hearing from others who may have done that ride, or riding in Colorado