Author Topic: Freeway Biking  (Read 5625 times)

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Offline ronvolkmar

Freeway Biking
« on: June 15, 2004, 06:53:34 pm »
Out west there are many areas where you can bike on freeways as that is the only road available. I have only ridden on a freeway once for about 6 miles and found it terrible. The noise and wind were slightly tolerable; but the shoulder was in bad shape and contained more debris than any street shoulder that I have been on. Every nut, bolt, screw, nail, staple, etc., was piled there and unavoidable. As I exited, I found I had a flat.

The other day I heard someone mention how much he enjoyed riding on the freeway. I didn't get a chance to challenge him, so I will ask here....

Has anyone ever found bicycling on a freeway to be acceptable?



Offline ATSFfan

Freeway Biking
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2004, 11:38:31 pm »
I just finished the Southern Tier route from Florida to California and rode both Interstate 10 in Texas and Arizona and Interstate 8 in California. Although not my preferred route due to the noise, the freeway surfaces themselves were usually very good. In fact, in West Texas just west of Van Horn, I had the entire westbound lanes to myself as all the Interstate traffic was on the eastbound lanes due to the westbound lanes being re-done with new concrete. It was roughly 10 miles of brand new highway - 40 feet wide. Cycling nirvana!
