Author Topic: anyone in europe next week 7-11 oct?  (Read 6804 times)

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Offline brad

anyone in europe next week 7-11 oct?
« on: October 01, 2004, 07:44:47 pm »
i am touring next weekend 7-11 october self-supported tent camping hopefully. i am open to any route/destination. i live in heidelberg germany and looking to ride in northern france, germany, switzerland, or the low countries. please email me at if interested.

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener

Offline jonboy

anyone in europe next week 7-11 oct?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2004, 08:28:18 pm »
What is adventure? To me it is simply doing something for myself that I've never done before. As a child I had no concept of danger. Life in physical form was a new experience for me: an adventure. I believe that we all decide to enter this physical realm to have the adventure of gathering experiences: Trying a new type of food can be an adventure; Wondering "Where does that road go?" and then taking that road to see for myself to where it does lead; Being totally honest for the first time in my life and risking rejection by others...not going along with the crowd; taking the road less traveled. All of these and more can be named an adventure for adventure, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. It is about being and doing differently in spite of the opinions of others.

Having written these words, I'm not into doing things that are potentially dangerous to myself or others. With only the wisdom of experience mixed with understanding and compassion do I make my decisions for as an adult I know that some things are just not worth trying. Adventure is truly a subjective term that depends soley on one's own my opinion.