Author Topic: Dogs on the Great Divide?  (Read 13447 times)

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Offline bikefam

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« on: November 16, 2004, 07:46:33 pm »
Has anyone ever ridden the Great Divide with a dog, alternately running/riding in a trailer?  The dogs love to run with us when we mountain bike.  Two of our concerns are: Will a BOB be stable enough for them (we've pulled a two wheel trailer, but never a BOB) and bear/dog problems.  Any comments?  Thanks.

Offline janetanorth

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2004, 06:39:15 pm »
i think a dog on the great divide would be very advantageous in regards to animal protection. but, that is up to the experience the dog has had with these animals and how well they behave and respond to commands. will they dodge and feint, or attack blindingly? do they come when called, or get insanely involved? it's a team thing.
the other problem is how they behave when faced with other riders/hikers.
i took my blue heeler with me on a 500 mile kayak trip on the yukon river as bear alert. but that was only becuase we communicated well together. however, she was a real pain with the squirrel alerts.
as far as trailers are concerned, you'd have to give it a go. i'd love to take the same dog with me from prudhoe to fairbanks, but she HATES the trailer. sigh.
she also hated the kayak, but i'm never doing that again.

Offline janetanorth

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 06:45:29 pm »
a few other thoughts-will the dog want to wander at night, or sleep in a tent or on a long lead?
dogs do get nervous-can yours handle being in a strange place every day? they do their best, but can get overwhelmed.

Offline TheDaltonBoys

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 03:23:03 pm »
Emotional benefit of having dog with one during bikecamping - priceless   Using a trailer to haul said dog - doable  Putting dog on BoB - disaster in waiting. I own an IBEX and the brochures provided are children, or pets in BoB's. Virtually any two wheeled trailer will do nicely. Regards  Mark of TheDaltonBoys

Offline bikefam

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2005, 04:44:10 pm »
Do you know if a 2 wheeled trailer will make it on the Continental Divide?  I would think it would be too wide.

Offline MrBent

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2005, 03:33:33 am »
The trick with two-wheeled trailers would be to avoid the single track--a bummer for mtn. bikers, but there isn't much on the GDMBR anyway.  The other issue would be some of the rough roads--especially washboard.  Get a good Burley (we tour on pavement with a "Solo" that carries our border collie/blue heeler) and see how it goes: careful practice runs on dirt roads.  PLAN on being slower than someone without a dog--especially on the down hills.  I think it can be done (and I'd love to try it) but practice and patience will be key.  Keep in mind, too, the extra weight of food, water, etc.  There used to be a photo on the Burley site of a woman who took TWO dogs (looked like border collies) on the Great Divide for about 800 miles!  So it can be done.  Practice, boldness, and a clear, calm head for the extra work and care required would be requirements.

Give 'er a go! Report back.



Offline bikefam

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 02:37:55 pm »
Just wanted to follow up on our original post.  We did it--the entire Great Divide trail, Aug-Oct 2006, with our two English Cocker Spaniels.  They did great-ran 15-20 miles per day (mostly uphill) and rode in the BOBs (downhill).  Catch our blogs at

Offline scott.laughlin

Dogs on the Great Divide?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2007, 11:21:24 am »
Check  I'm sure Ian will cut the axles to make your trailer whatever width you'd like.  I've towed one of them several thousand miles.