Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 7110 times)

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Offline Diego

« on: April 08, 2005, 11:20:15 pm »
Hello, I'm new here and thought I'd introduce myself.  I have wanted to get into bike touring for years, but just never got around to it.  I decided this year that I would change that.  Of course, right after I decided to make the leap, I was downsized from my job and am now scrambling to get my income back up to pre-downsize levels.  I've also decided to upgrade my skills by seeking a college degree.  What this means is that I almost certainly won't be buying a bike this year, but instead will have to wait until tax-refund time for 2006 (we owe THIS year, dang it!)  However, research is free, so I can still do THAT.  

My initial interest is in doing Century rides and fully-supported tours, such as Cycle Oregon and some of the fully-supported tours offered by Adventure Cycling.  That being said, I'm looking for a bike in the range of $1500 that will be nimble and responsive on shorter rides and centuries, and at the same time comfortable for longer, multi-day rides.  I have heard the names Trek and Cannondale quite a bit in relation to the type of bike riding I want to do, so I'm definitely going to research and shop around, and hopefully ride the specific models I'm interested in.  But if you experienced riders have other insights on this, please share!

Offline sunfisher

« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2005, 01:51:16 am »
If you really wanted to do some touring sooner vs later, I don't know
why a $1500 bike would be needed.
Supposing you're average height and use a 22-23" frame (55cm,
generally for 32-34" inseam) make friends with an LBS and drop a hint
that you're looking for a used touring bike.  The ideal "deal" bike in
that size would have a nice gap, 3 fingers or so between the seat tube
and the rear tire.  Braze ons for racks & fenders (i.e. 2 eyelets each on
dropout and fork, plus 2 more on seat stays), cantilever brakes.  A
couple of lesser known examples might be a Fuji Touring series (even
series 2 or 3),  a Nishiki Cresta or Royale, or a slightly pricier Trek 620.
You might fine one of these or a Schwinn LeTour in decent shape for
under a C-note.  An old Blackburn rack, while not fashionable remains
servicable and might be had (used) for a hum (less even than a song).  

For panniers, Cannondale Overlanders & Trestles show up used
periodically, as do Eclipse Transcontinentals (sentimental fave's) or
lesser known Kirtland varieties.  Not fashionable lately, but lots of
people put lots of stuff in them for a bunch of miles

The point being, I bet you could assemble a touring kit (bike, racks &
bags) for under $300 if you were patient and willing to shift your own

Now if the point is to drool over a fine new bike, well, yeah, that's fun