Author Topic: Of Vancouver Hostels and the Kettle Valley Railway  (Read 5887 times)

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Offline Luca

Of Vancouver Hostels and the Kettle Valley Railway
« on: May 01, 2005, 11:30:56 am »
Hello folks. I've a few questions involving a June tour of BC.
a) What Vancouver hostel is recommended as bicycle friendly. That is,
one that offers space for secure bicycle lock up and minor assembly

b) The Kettle Valley Trail, from Princeton to Penticton is intriguing. How
agreeable is this segment for a credit card touring setup -- (cyclocross
with 700 x 32 tires and Carradice saddle bag)? How's the quality of its
surface and how does the scenery of this section compare with the rest
of KVR? Additionally, since there will be no camping on this outing, is it
overly optimistic to anticipate cycling this segment in a single day?

Comments and input appreciated.
Thank you - Luke