Author Topic: Hoboing it....Bikes on trains  (Read 6268 times)

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Offline raytylicki32

Hoboing it....Bikes on trains
« on: May 06, 2005, 08:57:02 pm »
Today I got off in Jackson MI...I was riding in a gonadola car you know the ones that look like shoe boxes.. The Problem was once in I could not figure how to get out with out damaging my bike...Finnaly a RR condunter walked by and he helped me out..Where you going? Ann Arbor..The Conducter and engingeer in the yard had this "now we have seen it all atitude"
"Say there son when are you going to actual use the Bike"  Well I need to get Ann Arbor...Well the train was on track 5 and you just missed it by 2 minutes(really I saw the power go by)  So now i am in Jackson MI...I recoment the local bike shop here Pedal&Tour Fitness on N Jackson ST..I also recomed I tour of the old Michigan Theater here as well.  SO I guess its back to the road from here for now