Author Topic: What to expect  (Read 15077 times)

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Offline Advend

What to expect
« on: May 04, 2005, 05:14:24 pm »
We are entering into the world of long distance riding, coming from a Mountain Bike background.  What are some of the typical aches/pains that are common with this and are there some good solutions to look at to limit the lessons learned. We want to make this new venture as pleasing as possible, and not get fustrated with the potential issues associated with long-distance rides.
Thanks in advance:

Offline DaveB

What to expect
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 01:39:31 am »
The best advice I can give you about getting into long distance road riding is to start with short distances and work your way up gradually.  Starting out with a century or other long ride is a sure fire way to pain,discomfort and discouragement.

Start with a distance that takes about as much time as your typical MTB rides. See what works and what doesn't.  Is your current MTB saddle comfortable?  If so use it as the starting point for your road bike.  Match your MTB riding riding position as a start and refine it over time.  Just don't jump into deep water before you know how to swim.  

Offline biker_james

What to expect
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 11:09:25 am »
It partially depends on whether you mean long rides like centuries, or long rides like loading up and riding across the country. Getting the bike to fit is probably the biggest factor either way, since it does involve long hours in the saddle. Also getting the proper gearing on your bike is important for any loaded touring, not just taking what the bike shop says is popular.
Short trips are always a good start to get used to things. I think our first fully loaded trip was about 30km each way to get used to carrying our gear and how the bikes felt loaded.

Offline Peaks

What to expect
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 09:19:01 pm »
Typical aches and pains?  Your butt.  Try to get a saddle that agrees with your anatomy, and then beat your butt into submission.

Offline pmspirito

What to expect
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2005, 03:48:45 am »
If you buy a recumbent you will not have any aches or pains.  I ride an Easy Racer EZ-1 and my wife has a Catrike.  Its like riding in a lawn chair.

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito
best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito

Offline DougDuck

What to expect
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 02:28:42 pm »
As an owner of an EasyRacers Gold Rush recumbent, I generally agree, but we have our own conditioning issues, too. Specifically, the old "glutes" need a little conditioning before you're ready to really go...but at least that's a muscle issue, and not a "bone-on-leather" issue like with a regular bike saddle.

Offline Advend

What to expect
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2005, 04:40:54 pm »
Thank you for the input....What about gear. With mountian biking, there are very few opporunities for bike theft, but I imagine that with this style of distance riding, there are more times where you would leave your bike (see the sights...).  But you would not want to carry this over-sized chain (or the like) around, what is the solution.  Additionally, it seems that long lasting (bright) lighting would also be an issue ??? Any thoughts.


Offline cyclist

What to expect
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2005, 09:32:49 pm »
My problem was the knees. Back and hips. I solved the hip ,and back problem by repositioning the body, according to proper bike fit. The upright riding position worked well. Now it is not perfect, but is alot better then being bent over. As the chiropractor would agree.

Offline qweisber

What to expect
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 08:56:51 pm »
I have recently decided that I want to take a long distance ride up the east coast.  Miami to Virginia is the idea.  I do not know much about long distance cycling but know I want to do it. I would like to go soon (early April) so any advice would be greatly appreciated (where to research different bikes or any other info that I can research and should be aware of would be great.)  I am going to try and follow the greenway!

Thanks in advance for any advice,


  • Guest
What to expect
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 08:49:07 am »
Hi Quinton. The best place to start is the How To Department at Then write to the appropriate forum here with any specific questions about gear, routes, training, etc. You will find lots of people who have "paved the way."
