Author Topic: What pump for loaded touring  (Read 29043 times)

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Offline velogirl

What pump for loaded touring
« on: June 27, 2005, 04:58:03 am »
Okay, this is a silly question, but I put air in my tires everyday using a floor pump at home.  I rarely ever get flats, and when I do, I use CO2.  I'm not a big fan of mini-pumps because they're not very effective.

So, here's my question.  I'm planning a 22 day tour (self-supported).  What do you all recommend for pumping my tires on a daily basis?  I can't imagine packing a floor pump.  If you use a mini-pump, do you have one with a gauge (like the Topeak)?  Any brand & model recommendations would be appreciated.



  • Guest
What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2005, 10:58:11 am »
The Topeak road model with gauge is very effective. People who are not big strong brutes can get 100 psi easily, if not very quickly, using it like a mini floor pump and putting your weight into it. We replaced a Zefal frame-fit pump, which did require some arm strength.

Pumping every day is a bit surprising. Touring size tubes typically drop from 100 to 95 psi over three or four days, in my experience. Perhaps you have thin, light tubes.


Offline RussellSeaton

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2005, 04:20:58 pm »
Blackburn FP-1 frame pump.  It works wonderfully.  I have the older model.  I hope/assume they did not ruin the pump with the new style.  I've put 140 psi into a tubular once.  Checked with a Zafal gauge when I got home.  After changing a tube you can inflate the tube so you never worry the rest of the ride about finding a real pump to properly inflate the tube.

Inflating your tubes every day?  They don't leak that much air that quickly.  On a tour once a week is sufficient to replace the lost air.

Offline velogirl

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 04:36:02 pm »
Thanks for the advice guys.  I inflate my road bike tires everyday at home.  Haven't done any touring yet, so it's good to know I don't need to inflate the tires on my touring bike everyday.

Thanks a bunch!


Offline wanderingwheel

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 08:20:15 pm »
Here's another vote for the Topeak Road Morph, or whatever it's called now.  Frame pumps like the Blackburn work great, but I think the Topeak is even better when you can carry it (it's a little akward to mount on a bare bike).  By all means get the one with the built in guage.


Offline scott.laughlin

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2005, 10:32:44 pm »
Keeping tabs on your tire pressure should be a daily routine.  Of you do that you can avoid lots tire problems.

You might be able to limp somewhere and use a quarter to air your tires.  But when that's not an option be sure you keep a firm grip on the pump, or you can shear off the entire stem.  Wrap your fingers around the tire and push the pump into the heel of your hand rather than depending on luck.

Have fun.

Offline DaveB

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2005, 11:50:00 pm »
You certainly don't need to refill your tires every day.  A quick squeeze of the tire every morning will detect a leak as the tire will be noticeably soft.  Otherwise, pumping up every three or four days is plenty.  

The Topeak Road Morph is the best compromise between a floor pump and a frame/mini pump.  It's almost as small as a mini pump but a bit heavier.  It looks like a floor pump someone left in the dryer too long. :)

It's major feature is it has a flexible hose so you are not likely snap off the valve stem as you get to high pressure.   It also has a T-handle to make pumping easier, a small "base plate" so it can stand on the ground and a crude but usable pressure gauge.  All in all a good compromise.    

Offline jillmcin

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2005, 01:03:10 am »
As have many other before me...the Topeak is great and the
way to go. On the Southern Tier, the two of us who carried
them were often asked  if they could be borrowed. It is worth
the extra weight and awkward packing

Offline Styx

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2005, 04:39:19 am »
Another vote for the Topeak with the gauge.... I told
the rep. at Bike Expo in Seattle that the new version
is smaller and its design makes it a little harder for
guys with large and x-large hands to pump without hitting our knuckles on the pump body. Except for that
minor agravation if you have large hands its ideal.

Offline tgpelz

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2005, 12:16:32 am »
Velo girl:

I have rarely used my pump.  

As others have said, test you tires daily by pushing on the tire.   Do so when it is properly inflated at first so you know about what it should feel like.

Then, every other day, as I ride through some town, if my tires feel a bit low, I stop and add air.   I have presta valves and have three or four of the adapters in various places on my bike.

The only time I have used my pump was for the occassional flat.   Then, once the flat has been fixed (and I am sure that there is nothing poking through the tire so I don't get another flat after it has been filled), I pump with my Topeak pump (I don't know which one it is).  When it feels pretty full, I then connect a C02 cartrige to my handy dandy co2 filler and finish off the tire.  

I do it this way because I hate pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping, which you have to do to get your tires properly inflated.

I also minimize my flats by using Slime filled tubes and Schwaube tires.  

I started to use the slime tubes after four flats on one ride on the many trails in Denver.  They have thorns there that defy description.  Nasty buggers which poke a small hole with a slow leak, but just enough that a 60 mile ride on Denver trails meant changing flats often.  

Enjoy your touring.

Offline ptaylor

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2005, 09:20:58 pm »
I'm suprised this topic is getting so much attention. But, I agree that it is important.

I've 'busted off' a valve stem using one of these 'mini' pumps. I've also blown a tube by over inflating with a CO2 cartridge. I've been guilty of under inflating a tire because I could not get enough air in it with my mini pump (of course I paid by getting a pinch flat).

So, I now carry a Topeak Master Blaster pump: I'm guessing it is simp;ly a name change from the other Topeak pumps that have a guage, a hose to connect to the tube valve, and a little foot tab.. I'll never carry anything else, even though it takes a lot of space on my bike.

Regarding tires: someone mentioned Schwalbe tires. Their Marathon tires (as advertised  in our magazine) are tops. Again; I'll never buy anything else.


Offline ptaylor

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2005, 09:29:11 pm »
Slime. Yuk. I've used it, and I'm guessing that it may have stopped some leaks (I'll never know).

But it is the pits when you want to let air in or out of your tube via the valve. Not only does it stop up the hated leaks in your tube, but it stops up the desired air flow in your valve (both inflow from your tire pump and outflow when you get a genuine puncture).

So, I'm convinced that the only thing you should put in your tube is air.


Offline floatingstates

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2005, 01:35:15 am »
Crank Brothers Power Pump Pro with built in guage.
small. sexy.
"up to 120 psi" (guage goes to 160)
has a "volume" and "pressure" switch that really works.
it will take you some time to get above 60psi but given that biking is
mostly good for lower body strength, you need that upper body
workout now don't you!
what's the hurry?

CO2 = Global Warming :-(

Offline DaveB

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2005, 10:19:34 am »
Now that this topic is back on top, I'm going to comment on and earlier reply and go a bit off-topic about another one.  Please indulge me.

I've also blown a tube by over inflating with a CO2 cartridge.

No, you blew the tube off by not having the tire and tube seated properly before you added the CO2.  A 12 gm CO2 cartridge will inflate a typical 700x23 tire to about 100 psi and a 16 gm cartridge will inflate it to about 120 psi.  Neither pressure will blow off a properly seated tire.  A pump is slow enough to give you warning that the tire isn't installed correctly since you will see the tire starting to come off as the pressure goes up.  CO2 increases the pressure too quickly for you to react so you have to do it right the first time.

CO2 = Global Warming  

Maybe so but I'm tired of those who imply that a CO2 tire inflater can contribute.  First, industrial CO2, as used in the cartridges, is refined from combustion gasses which were going into the atmosphere anyway.  The cartridge actually delays the discharge.  Second, a 12 gram cartridge releases the same amount of CO2 as you do by breathing for 10 minutes (or less if you're exercising strenuously). Want to contribute to a reduction in "greenhouse gasses?  Stop breathing :)  

Offline Beep!Beep!

What pump for loaded touring
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2006, 10:57:55 am »
The Cyclair is a must [details] It has a draw string like a landmower which powers a turbine plus acceptes Schraedar, Presta & Woods valves, comes with a frame carry case and will even fit into your pocket!