I wrote to the editor of Adventure Cyclist asking much the same question you pose.
Part of my letter: "I have done centuries with my sons and my wife has proposed that we do a cross state ride together on our recumbent tandem.
I am considering the purchase of a Greenspeed Trike with a view toward touring as well.
Now, I seem like a natural for Adventure Cycling - yes?
Well, aside from the advertising in your [magazine] ... I find ... evidence of diamond frame centric thinking in your magazine. In a word, your publication seems to
almost studiously avoid the "recumbent" word except as a reference to a "curiosity" bicycle.
So, when the editorial policy changes, I think you might just find a world of wealthier cyclists (all former DF riders) who would find great encouragement in your magazine."
Mike Deme, Editor of Adventure Cyclist Magazine, was kind enough to respond. He was direct, though his response had an edge of "editorial" irritation to it.
I have included a portion of his response here:
"Recumbents appear in Adventure Cyclist magazine in about equal proportion to the percentage of our membership that ride them.
John Schubert has reviewed models in the past (including the Greenspeed GTT 20/20 June, 2003) and we include recumbents in each March issue, which is our touring bike buyer's guide.
Will there be something about recumbents in each issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine? No, but I am planning an entire issue dedicated to recumbent cyclists for the 2006 editorial calendar.
We see more self-supported bicycle tourists at our location in Missoula than anyone and we run more self-supported bicycle tours than anyone and the vast majority are riding upright bicycles.
It seems to me that many recumbent cyclists have somewhat of a chip on their collective shoulder. Having a publication such as Recumbent Cyclist News dedicated to their personal preference of cycle should be enough but seemingly isn't.
As for Adventure Cyclist magazine, it will feature recumbent cycling as deemed appropriate in the future.
Michael Deme
Editor, Adventure Cyclist Magazine
Adventure Cycling Association
Mike - please consider adding some recumbent experiences in your magazine.