Author Topic: Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?  (Read 26257 times)

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Offline SKYMAX

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« on: August 04, 2005, 07:24:30 am »
I have been a member of AC for nearly two years now and I cant remember ever seeing an article about Recumbent bicycle touring in the magazine.
Now I could well be wrong as my memory is not so good and I would be happy to be corrected if someone could refresh my recall.

Clear skies, Max.
Clear skies, Max.

Offline Styx

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2005, 08:39:46 am »
Recently 2 of us toured West to East from Portland to
almost Lewiston, Id on the L&C and we came across a group of 6 recumbents motel touring (carrying most gear) calling themselves 6 Mechanis and a Wench. They explained the Wench had left trip in Virginia and they had started in New Jersey.

Offline SKYMAX

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2005, 10:04:29 am »
Thats great, but why dont we see them in the magazine?
Recumbent riders are AC members too.

Clear skies, Max.
Clear skies, Max.

Offline ptaylor

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2005, 04:15:56 pm »
I have a recumbent & 3 up-rights. I got the recumbent a few years back when I was having neck vetribray problems. It was great. But as soon as my neck problems stopped, I went back to the uprights - the're are a lot of advantages. Being able to stand up and pedal is the greatest. Safety (seeing and being seen are my top 2). I've been hit by two cars on my uprights.. In both cases, the cars hit my legs. If I had been on a recumbent, they would have hit my torso.  Ouch.


Offline pmspirito

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2005, 09:59:24 pm »
I just went to the AC library to do a quick search of recumbent articles but got a "sorry server down" message.  You might want to try later.  Judy and I both ride bents.  I could be wrong but i seem to think there have been bent articles written in the past.  You can submit your own article.  They have some requirements as to the format but thats about it.

best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito
best wishes from the back of the pack,  Peter & Judy Spirito

Offline funbun

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2005, 11:43:11 pm »
If you want to know about recumbent bicycle touring go here:

Go to where the fish bite.  There is one woman who rode From North Carolina to Alaska and Back.  In fact she is on tour of the Great Divide right now on her recumbent trike.  That would be a great story for the magazine.

This message was edited by funbun on 8-4-05 @ 7:52 PM

Offline funbun

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2005, 11:59:24 pm »
There are over 90 recumbent travelogues on that sight cherck them out.  Any one of them would be good for the magazine.

Offline SKYMAX

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2005, 12:11:43 am »
Thats a good point Ptaylor. Fortuneatly my town has an extensive bike path network and I dont have to ride near cars.

Clear skies, Max.
Clear skies, Max.

Offline funbun

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2005, 11:13:09 am »
If you are worried about height and visuals just buy a high racer:

People die on all times of bikes, diamond frame or otherwise.  I don't see one type as being more dangerous than any other.

This message was edited by funbun on 8-6-05 @ 5:18 AM

Offline TwoWheeledExplorer

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Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2005, 04:10:01 pm »
July, 2002. Cover story and photo: "Should you give up your "wedgie?" How to buy a recumbent Laid-back Touring". Page 14-21 and 33.
Again, August, 2004. Cover photo.
Plus there has been info about 'bents in the buyer's guide issues a number of times, and stories about trips with them as far back as I have been a member, which is only since 1998. When it is up, you should be able to find them in the Archives section.

Just how hard did you look???

Ride safe,

Hans Erdman, WEMT
Backcountry Trail Patrol-MN

This message was edited by Trailpatrol on 8-7-05 @ 12:11 PM
2WX: The Two-Wheeled Explorer
"St. Louis to the Western Sea if nothing prevents."--John Ordway, Corps of Discovery

Offline provijo

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2005, 09:53:15 pm »
I wrote to the editor of Adventure Cyclist asking much the same question you pose.  

Part of my letter:  "I have done centuries with my sons and my wife has proposed that we do a cross state ride together on our recumbent tandem.

I am considering the purchase of a Greenspeed Trike with a view toward touring as well.

Now, I seem like a natural for Adventure Cycling - yes?

Well, aside from the advertising in your [magazine] ... I find ... evidence of diamond frame centric thinking in your magazine.  In a word, your publication seems to
almost studiously avoid the "recumbent" word except as a reference to a "curiosity" bicycle.  

So, when the editorial policy changes, I think you might just find a world of wealthier cyclists (all former DF riders) who would find great encouragement in your magazine."

Mike Deme, Editor of Adventure Cyclist Magazine,  was kind enough to respond.  He was direct, though his response had an edge of "editorial" irritation to it.  

I have included a portion of his response here:

 "Recumbents appear in Adventure Cyclist magazine in about equal proportion to the percentage of our membership that ride them.

John Schubert has reviewed models in the past (including the Greenspeed GTT 20/20  June, 2003) and we include recumbents in each March issue, which is our touring bike buyer's guide.

Will there be something about recumbents in each issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine? No, but I am planning an entire issue dedicated to recumbent cyclists for the 2006 editorial calendar.

We see more self-supported bicycle tourists at our location in Missoula than anyone and we run more self-supported bicycle tours than anyone and the vast majority are riding upright bicycles.

It seems to me that many recumbent cyclists have somewhat of a chip on their collective shoulder. Having a publication such as Recumbent Cyclist News dedicated to their personal preference of cycle should be enough but seemingly isn't.

As for Adventure Cyclist magazine, it will feature recumbent cycling as deemed appropriate in the future.

Michael Deme
Editor, Adventure Cyclist Magazine
Adventure Cycling Association

Mike - please consider adding some recumbent experiences in your magazine.

Offline DaveB

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2005, 01:38:34 pm »
It seems to me that many recumbent cyclists have somewhat of a chip on their collective shoulder.

I believe Mike is correct.  I know several riders who have recumbents, either because of necessity (back problems), or by choice.  However, they are a small minority of riders in both my bike club and on the various tours and rides I participate in.  

I have read many recumbent riders comments and letters in bike magazines and newsletters that have the sound of religious zealotry.  OK, you're entitled to your choice but don't make it sound like you alone have "seen the light" and the rest of us are there to be "saved".  

Offline provijo

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2005, 02:14:28 pm »
When I go to the bottom of the page here, I see that our organizational mission is to "Inspire people of all ages to travel by bicycle."

Think of how many may be inspired if an occasional article in our beautiful magazine were to highlight cycling for those who might not otherwise consider such an adventure.  "Gee, I can do that in comfort?"

Isn't it wonderful that bicycling can include so many?  Not only the buff, ripped and cut, but also folks with chips on their shoulders and other ailments - like preference, age, hospitality, zeal and graciousness.  

It should go without saying that recumbents are not only for the infirm, but also for those who risk having fun on wheels different than their customary "rides".  

In taking that risk, they might find they like it - a lot! I did.  Try it, - you might just get "bent".

This message was edited by provijo on 8-25-05 @ 10:27 AM

Offline Peaks

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2005, 05:36:40 pm »
If you want to get a good cross section of what people are riding, then go on a large bike tour.  We recently did the Bon Ton Roulet.  There were a variety of bikes, including tandems and recumbents.  And it wasn't just the old or back problems riding recumbents either.  

Each to their own.  

Offline DaveB

Why no Recumbents Bicycles in AC?
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2005, 12:26:18 pm »
If you want to get a good cross section of what people are riding, then go on a large bike tour....

That's exactly where I got my statement; "....they are a small minority of riders...".  I've ridden RAGBRAI and 15 GOBA's as well as many one day large organized rides.  Recumbents are there (and not limited to back problem riders) but they are a small fraction of the bikes.  On some rides, tandems outnumber them.