Author Topic: where to ship?  (Read 6284 times)

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Offline Dan_E_Boye

where to ship?
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:06:49 am »
Where can I find info on where to ship my rig in Yorktown for the Trans Am in summer?  Is there a particular shop that welcomes, or at least tolerates such business?

Offline Peaks

where to ship?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2005, 05:39:26 pm »
If you are doing the Trans-Am as part of the ACA tour, they will send you the name and address of their preferred bike shop along with other information about the tour.

If you are self supported, then look on the services portion of the ACA map for Yorktown or Williamsburg for the name and phone number of the bike shop there.  Just drop them and dime and ask them if you can ship them your bike.