Author Topic: Touring wheels for my sweetheart  (Read 6780 times)

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Offline Idabike

Touring wheels for my sweetheart
« on: January 16, 2006, 01:43:55 pm »
I've talked him into a 5-day tour this coming June. I hope he will enjoy himself enough to be up for more touring in the future. Now all he needs is a touring bike and a few months of training. He's 6'4" and currently rides a 15-year old mountain bike. We are interested in sturdy, reliable, comfortable transportation. His mountain bike is not comfortable for long distances. Any advice on getting him on a touring bike would be much appreciated --- we are not sure where to start and funds are somewhat limited.

Offline mtnroads

Touring wheels for my sweetheart
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 07:52:06 pm »
An excellent all around bike, capable of loaded touring and general use, is the Trek 520. Very comfortable and durable. Also for a bit less cash - the Novara Randoonee, sold at REI; and for an aluminum frame - the Cannondale T800. All of them available for around $1000.

Offline dknapp

Touring wheels for my sweetheart
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2006, 11:45:50 pm »
I think she has me pretty well hooked.  And, I like to shop.  Have gotten over the sticker shock, pretty much, can tell the difference between 105 and Ultrega, and am hoping for an IRS windfall this year.  I wonder though, if I were unable to ride, would she tow me in a Nomad or a BOB?  I would want a comfortable ride...