Author Topic: Rain Gear  (Read 7212 times)

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Offline ptaylor

Rain Gear
« on: January 29, 2006, 04:30:53 pm »
I got the standard GorTex rain suit when I started my 'serious' bike riding about 20 years ago. After a few years, I got a hooded rain cape from CampMore; I intended to use it only for commuting. But soon I started leaving the full rain suit at home and taking my cape on my self contained tours. I much prefer the cape, because I don't sweat nearly as much, it is easier to put on and take off, it is lighter weight, and takes less space to pack.

The full suit is better because it catches less wind and keeps your lower legs dry.

I have done a fair amount of self contained touring, but my longest trip has been 2 weeks, and I have not hit an all day soaking rain with the cape. This summer I am doing a coast-to-coast tour with AC: I can't decide which rain gear to take.

I would like to hear some opinions from other riders who have tried both kinds of gear.


Offline Webmaster

Rain Gear
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2006, 11:42:55 am »
Hi Gramps,

You might get a better response to your question if this discussion was in the Gear Talk section.

I hope you stay dry and have a great time on your upcoming trip.



Adventure Cycling Association

Jennifer H. Milyko
Adventure Cycling Association