Author Topic: Filmmaker wanted: about ride to end poverty  (Read 5440 times)

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Filmmaker wanted: about ride to end poverty
« on: March 24, 2006, 01:46:14 pm »
A group of college students have created a cross-country bicycle ride
to fight global poverty. The Yes Ride ( will begin in
Seattle Washington on June 1st 2006 and end July 27th 2006 in Boston
Massachusetts. This event is fully supported and participants will be
staying at schools and clubs along the route. The Yes Ride is built by
the compassion of strangers and the determination of participants,
volunteers, and donors.

There are two goals for this event. First, our organization seeks to net
an excess of 200,000 dollars for our four beneficiaries. Second, our
organization seeks to create a moving monument that motivates
humanity to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty.
This monument will be 4,300 miles long and it will involve 50 young
people who are devoting their lives to assisting the forgotten people in
the world. This event is not just a bike ride; it is an event that will save
lives in the Third World and transform them in the First.

Additional information about the Yes Ride can be obtained at .

We would love to have a documentry made about our adventure.  Its a
pretty cool story a bunch of college students giving it their all for two
months, raising an insane amount of money trying to get on every TV
show possible to raise awareness of solutions for global poverty.

If you have any questions about this event, my contact information is
provided below.

Thank you for your contribution to change the world through cycling.

Chris Markl
709 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO 80302