Author Topic: Lone Peak panniers  (Read 7232 times)

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Offline Mira!

Lone Peak panniers
« on: June 02, 2006, 01:17:23 am »
Anybody out there using Lone Peak panniers?  They appeal to me in many ways - but Arkel seems to be the name on everyone's lips (for a pannier with pockets).  

Offline Styx

Lone Peak panniers
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 08:20:07 am »
One word "JANDD"

Offline valygrl

Lone Peak panniers
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 01:41:47 pm »
I had some lone peak front panniers (little ones) they were just fine.  Nice and light, opened up all the way.  A rodent ate one of the zippers, though - possibly a little lightweight on the construction, there.

I hate my Arkel GT54's - way too heavy, too many wierd velcro-off pockets (and i like pockets).  My tour partner used the rear LP's, the big top-loaders, and they were fine.  The only issue is the top vs. side load for me.  I would get the LPs or the Arkel T42's if I had to do it again.

Offline Mira!

Lone Peak panniers
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 04:53:56 pm »
Thanks for the good info.  Makes me feel better about not ordering the Arkels.  I've been researching all this for so long, now.  I was all ready to order the Arkels, but woke yesterday with a little voice telling me to look at the Beckmans again before I placed my order.  Guess what?  Yup.  Bob Beckman.  I read the whole website and his work is - really over-the-top, in design and quality (and the panniers are beautiful!)

Pricey - but I was on the BikeForums website last night and over and over, there were messages about disasters that people had had when their panniers fell off and often into their bikes causing crashes.  The word, again and again was: "PANNIERS ARE NOT THE PLACE TO SKIMP".  So - I've bitten the bullet.  Now - the wait! :p