Author Topic: Wish I Had Thought Of That  (Read 9061 times)

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Offline jimbeard

Wish I Had Thought Of That
« on: June 14, 2006, 10:19:45 am »
How about posting good ideas you have thought about or learned from others

1. showercap-rain cover for handlebar bag and rear trunk and saddle.
2. rubberband - put on handlebar - stretch to front brake leaver when parked - keeps bike more stable.
3. 10/32 bolts fits eyelets for fenders and racks.
4. use regular water bottles instead of standard issued bike water bottles - wrapped them in colored electrical tape for stability

Offline DaveB

Wish I Had Thought Of That
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2006, 10:31:24 pm »
How about:

Use a disposable shower cap as a rain cap for your helmet to keep you drier in a pouring rain or to keep you warmer in cold weather. They are given away at most motels these days and weigh nearly nothing.

Reversing worn bar tape (left h-bar tape to right and vise versa) to cover the frayed edges and make it last twice as long.  

Get a couple of trashed hubs from your LBS and use them as travel axles to protect the fork and rear dropouts when packing your bike for travel and you have to remove the wheels.

Use a short piece small diameter (1/8") shrink wrap tubing to cap brake cable ends.  Cut a 1/4" to 3/8" long piece and shrink it with a disposable lighter.  It's cheap, light and easier to remove than crimp on caps.

Or, use a drop of "Super Glue" to seal cable ends.

BTW, the correct size for most fender and rack eyelet threads is M5 x .8 mm.  10-32 is a "will fit" but not quite right.

Offline jimbeard

Wish I Had Thought Of That
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 08:55:29 am »
Thanks for tips .
Is there a smaller shrink wrap for cable ends 1/8 seems to large.
[Tip] use shellac on cork tape keeps edges from curling.


Offline DaveB

Wish I Had Thought Of That
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 09:58:02 pm »
1/8" shrink wrap works for brake cables but is too large for derailleur cables.  

I understand, but have never tried it, that Radio Shack sells smaller shrink wrap tubing intended for very small electric wires, that works for der. cables.

Offline toetheline

Wish I Had Thought Of That
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2006, 12:21:15 am »
I just bought a retractrable cable lock for skis and snowboards.  Small and weighs hardly anything.  Won't stop a cable cutter, but will stop anyone from grabbing your bike and taking off.  Works great.