Author Topic: Tandem touring tires  (Read 9127 times)

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Offline mestub

Tandem touring tires
« on: June 15, 2006, 09:36:35 pm »
My wife and I are ready to start a trip down the Pacific Coast Trail on our Burley Tandem. We have Armadillo Infinity 700c x 32c tires on the bike, and we'll be traveling with panniers. I've done loaded solo touring on 28c tires and had good experience with few flats, but others tell me that I should go with 35c-37c tires on the tandem. Any advice out there?

Offline mestub

Tandem touring tires
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2006, 09:41:10 pm »
Also, if you recommend any good places to camp or friends who'd be willing to allow us to camp at their place along the way, such info would be nice.  My wife and I are middle-aged, low-maintenance folks.

Offline scott.laughlin

Tandem touring tires
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2006, 11:00:20 pm »
You might want to take your question to:  Have fun.

Offline scott.laughlin

Tandem touring tires
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2006, 01:04:40 pm »
See about joining the Tandem Club of America,  Maybe you can acquire a 2006 membership list which show 13 hospality homes listed for California.  If you have time to activate a membership before you leave, it could be the best $15 you ever spent.

I don't seem to have an email for the membership rep, but I'm sure the editor can shed some light on it.

Scott n Barb

Offline mestub

Tandem touring tires
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2006, 01:11:27 pm »
Thanks for your suggestion, Scott. That's a great idea and I'll do it post haste.  I tried to contact the person at that you gave, but was returned, "No such domain."

Offline scott.laughlin

Tandem touring tires
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2006, 11:43:56 pm »
I gave you the wrong information.  The url  will give you all you need to subscribe and a tone of guidelines.  There's a lot of knowledge passed here.