Author Topic: How to spend nights on tour.  (Read 6926 times)

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Offline RoadWimp

How to spend nights on tour.
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:35:46 pm »
Good day, my fellow cycling enthusiasts. I'm sorry for asking what must be an annoyingly frequent question, but I searched and found nothing. :)

I'm planning a trip to Wichita, Kansas from my home in south eastern New Hampshire later this year, and I find myself stuck on the subject of accommodations. Hotels are far too expensive for the number of nights I'd be needing. Is it legal to simply pull up a spot of ground alongside the road? Can you just stop when night comes wherever you are, throw down your sleeping bag and enter the realm of dreams? Is it even safe to do that?

Or if it's not, what are some other alternatives for nighttime accommodations? Trying to do the whole 1700 miles in one stretch is a little unrealistic. :)

I appreciate your help in solving my problem.  


  • Guest
How to spend nights on tour.
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 09:03:27 am »
It seems that you may need to do some homework before leaving
home. Either that, or just take off and take each day as it comes.

Have you spent much time pouring over maps? Even standard issue,
folding State maps can provide quite a bit of information. They can
show the location of public campgrounds...state parks, national forests
and so forth. What about the touring-specific maps from Adventure
Cycling? The Northern Tier route passes thru New Hampshire before
heading west. It shouldn't be too difficult to find relatively inexpensive
overnight stays along your proposed route...local motels, hostels,
public/private campgrounds...

Public land, open for free camping, isn't as common in the eastern US
as in the western states. Common sense and a bit of discretion go a
long way when stealth camping. If a situation doesn't "feel" right, or
you are forced to trespass, then simply move on. Also, it doesn't hurt
to ask for permission to pitch your tent in a pasture, church grounds,
town park, etc.

Much of the adventure in bicycle travel is NOT knowing just exactly
how the day will unfold.

Offline Peaks

How to spend nights on tour.
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2006, 07:19:38 pm »
If you have maps like the ACA maps, there are a variety of camping and lodging options.  

If you want to go cheap, many towns have parks that are free.  Just check with the police first.  Sometimes camping is available for a small fee.  

If you are headed west from New Hampshire, you might consider the Canalway Trail along the Erie Canal in NY.  Several towns have canal side parks and don't charge.

Offline gponce101

How to spend nights on tour.
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2006, 09:23:32 am »
You might also try searching for hosts willing to
put cyclists up for a night along your route.