Author Topic: Late start from Yorktown  (Read 4756 times)

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Offline darclabed

Late start from Yorktown
« on: August 06, 2006, 12:22:58 pm »
I'm thinking of staring the Trans Am next year in late June. I'll be traveling east to west. I'd like to start earlier but I'm a teacher and our school year runs through mid June. Anyone out there started this late? Is it possible to do this or will the heat make this miserable?

Offline capejohn

Late start from Yorktown
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 05:18:16 pm »
You don't have to do the whole thing. Worrying about finishing will take too much away from the experience. Set your start and end date (if you need to get back to schoo),  and finish the rest another time.

This message was edited by capejohn on 8-7-06 @ 1:19 PM
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