Author Topic: Which bike to buy?  (Read 7802 times)

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Offline peterbro@hotmai

Which bike to buy?
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:34:22 am »
I currently don't have any bikes at all (both were stolen two weeks ago) from my secure garage.  I am thinking of getting in to touring, but don't want to buy a 27+ pound monster as my only ride.  

I am thinking of getting a steel frame (like the "real feel" or steel) bike for tours of up to 5-6 days, i.e. a Jamis or Bianchi with braze-ons or just tow a BOB trailer.  I could use this bike for commuting or my day club rides.  These bikes won't be able to carry more than 28c tires due to the road bike caliper side pivot brakes.

Any ideas?

Offline BostonMc

Which bike to buy?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 12:40:32 am »
Have you looked at the Jamis Nova? It is a cross bike, so you get some strong canti brakes, weighs in at 22.5 lbs, and a super strong steel frame (even a 3 cross rear wheel).

What would be perfect is the model from about two years ago, the one I have, it has dropout eyelets and rack braze-ons for front and rear racks as well as a triple chain ring on the front. Decks out nicely as a touring bike but pretty fast with a skinny set of tires. A really great bike.


  • Guest
Which bike to buy?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 06:20:19 am »
If I could only have one bike, this would be it...

Offline bruno

Which bike to buy?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 01:08:25 pm »