Author Topic: long distance training  (Read 6048 times)

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Offline bicyclerider

long distance training
« on: September 24, 2006, 11:14:39 am »
we are all long distance riders some more miles than others. for those of us that haven't the experience already what is the advice regarding the following without over eating while training? Or while on a road tour of 65 days or more?

Replenishing fluids and replaceling ectrolytes
Replacing muscle glycogen
Rebuilding muscle protein

Relieve muscle soreness
Promote muscle repair and growth
Reduce inflammation
Improve circulation
Remove waste products

Jean Andre Vallery
Sarasota Florida
Jean Andre Vallery
Jacumba, California

Offline RussellSeaton

long distance training
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2006, 07:44:58 pm »
"Replenishing fluids and replaceling ectrolytes
Replacing muscle glycogen
Rebuilding muscle protein"

Eat normal food.  And drink lots of normal fluids.  Healthier food is undoubtedly better for the body than highly processed junk type food.  Regular food like milk, meat, potatoes, noodles, bread, rice, fruits, vegetables, juice, etc. will keep you riding for as much time as you have to ride.  Normal tourist cyclists have no need for special powder drinks or supplements or gels or anything else.

"Relieve muscle soreness
Promote muscle repair and growth
Reduce inflammation
Improve circulation"

Being in good physical shape prevents all of these conditions from ever occurring.  So ride lots before the tour starts, and the tour will keep you in good physical shape.  And none of these conditions will ever occur.  Prevention is the best medicine.

Offline don quixote

long distance training
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 11:19:44 pm »
I highly recommend Nancy Clark's recent book "The Cyclist's Food Guide" as well as her classic "Sports Nutrition Guidebook" both available at the ACA on-line store.

George Olmstead
San Diego
don quixote
San Diego