Lots of good points expressed. I ride my bike for recreation, leisure, health. Never transportation. Never commuting. I could, but I like to arrive at work clean without messed up hair. I also don't want to carry clothes so I can shower at work. There is a shower in the bathroom where I work. I probably burn more gas because I bike. I haul my bike to most rides. I drove to Colorado for two rides this year. On one of them I had my car driven as a support vehicle for 750 miles. I might be the poster child for wasteful bicyclist. But in redemption, I did ride my bike to the RAGBRAI start and rode it home. No gas transportation for me.
It was brought up that Netherlands are unique for bike riding. I was in Portugal and Spain in 2000. I saw minimal to no bikes. Lots, and lots, and lots of SUVs. And lots of fat people. And lots, and lots, and lots of trash on the side of the road in Portugal. It was amazing the amount of trash. Don't think Europe is a utopia.
In SE Asia the motorcycle and scooter are becoming more and more prevalent. Fast and motorized. But cheaper than the cars the people really want. I recall an article from somewhere written by a person living in SE Asia and riding his bicycle with other foreigners for recreation. The natives teased, ridiculed, questioned him for riding a bike instead of driving a car that he could easily afford. They could not understand why someone would ride a bike when they could drive a car. Sounds similar to the rest of the world.
The only way people are going to reduce their use of vehicles is by making it cost prohibitive. The price of gas must double or triple or quadruple and remain so for ever. The cost of vehicles must go up considerably. Although this seems to have happened already. Yet I see lots and lots of new $30-50,000 pickups and SUVs being driven by everyone. Auto use in Europe is probably less than in the US due to high gas prices and high taxes on vehicles. The same vehicle is more costly in Europe than in the US even though both are imported from the same place.