Author Topic: Bicyle (no-motor)home  (Read 9826 times)

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Offline edmilkman

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« on: December 19, 2006, 02:04:20 am »
This just in from Portland ! A guy actually travels and lives in his bicyle-non-motorhome.

Offline RussellSeaton

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 09:12:44 am »
Seems awfully complicated.  Wants to live a care free life by traveling with a bike, but wants the conveniences/trappings of modern life with appliances, solar panels for electricity, etc.  Kind of like the RV people who go camping in a $100,000+ RV with washer/dryer, air conditioner, refrigerator, stove, grill, queen size bed, TV, stereo, couch, recliner, etc.  They just soak in all of the new experiences while camping.  Ha.  I think Heinz Stucke's and many others method of just using a tent, sleeping bag, camp stove, etc. works better.

Offline scott.laughlin

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 11:47:04 am »
Does anyone recall Steve Roberts, the engineer who wore out three 'bents he called winnibikeos?  I think he was on the road about fifteen years.  It was equipped with solar power, amateur radio, qualcam, packet, GPS, and built into his handlebar grips were computer keys.  Using machine language he was able to use his computer as he pedaled along the road.  I talked with once on the radio when he was looking for directions.

You can google his name and read much of what he has written.  He's off the bike now, and engineering a solar-powered boat.

About the motohome-bike.  If he needs a tire the size of the one on the rear, I don't know how he pedals it.

I once met Bob in Arizona who was pulling two bike trailers.  He, too, amazed me. We've all heard the the phrase, 'Stop the world and let me off.'  Well, Bob hadn't asked for such a favor, because he was taking the world with him.

Crazy or not, if it weren't for folks like these we would have fewer things to discuss.  


Offline litespeed

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 12:21:16 pm »
Fine. I admire anyone who spends their life on a bicycle or boat. I spent a few years bumming around the country and a year or so on a boat before settling down. I often think about selling everything and heading off on my touring bike for good and not just for the summers. But, like most people, I love to travel but I also like to come home.

I've met Tom Snyders, the traveling comedian ( a few times in my travels. I also met a little bearded guy named Dwayne (or Duane) on his Cannondale in Oregon in 2003. He apparently lived on his bike and had been all over North America. At least.

Offline jimbeard

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 02:54:51 pm »
  Seems to me that this guy is walken the walk not just talken the talk.  :)


Offline Sailariel

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 03:52:11 pm »
I lived on a sailboat for 14 years. Now I plan to see this great country by bike. This forum has been a great help. I have almost filled a notebook with all the good advice.

Offline bruno

Bicyle (no-motor)home
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 09:58:36 am »
pretty cool, but i wouldn't wanna go too far ridin' it!