Author Topic: Expedition touring  (Read 7003 times)

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Offline ptaylor

Expedition touring
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:11:33 pm »
As some of the regular contributors to this forum know, I recently completed the Northern Tier Expedition. I kept a diary of the tour.

I have published it on a web site. If you can answer 'yes' to one of the following questions, you may want to take a look at it.

  • I'm over 60 years old, and don't know if I can do it
  • Coast to coast sounds tough - can I do it
  • I did it. I want to see if it was it as easy/difficult for you as it was for me
  • I want to know what it's like to spend 3 months away from home and family

You can see my web page at
Cost to Coast in 93 Days

This message was edited by ptaylor on 2-21-07 @ 1:16 PM

Offline bikerbob

Expedition touring
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 12:28:41 pm »
Hi Paul
I just finished your journal of your Northern Tier expedition. You brought back great memories of my Northern Tier tour with ACA in 2003. ACA are great people to tour with and so were my 10 companions on the ride. Like you I was past 60 and the oldest one in the group. Not finishing was not even in my thoughts when I started. Also like you the bicycle and I walked a few times but I talked myself into the thought that walking beside your steed was character building. There may have been the odd not so pleasant happening on the trip however it soon fell into background.
Thanks for rekindling the memories of a trip of a lifetime  

Offline ptaylor

Expedition touring
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 04:09:07 pm »
Thanks for the kind words Biker. We agree that it was the "trip of a lifetime". I like your phrase "the bicycle and I walked a few times".


Offline JayH

Expedition touring
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 09:05:33 pm »
Hi Paul, thanks for sharing your report. I haven't yet checked it out but I will in my spare time.

Keep on spinning!
