Author Topic: Eating and spending on a two month biking spree  (Read 107427 times)

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Offline centrider

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2007, 03:09:14 am »
Well, SP - let me ask several questions and than I'll make my
What's your riding experience?  What's the longest day's ride?  Do you
have a bike?  Have you spent time on city streets in traffic?  What about
out in the country?  How frequently have you ridden?  What gear do you
have?  Can you change a tube?   Can you patch a tube?  Do you know
what to do if you blow out a tire?  Drop a chain?  Break a chain?

And your bike.  What are you riding - a hybrid, road, mountain.  
Cyclocross or touring?

If you haven't a clue on any or all those questions, find out quickly how
to deal with such minor mishaps.

If you peanutbutter and jelly/honey and fruit you probably can go quite
a distance on that diet.  You might be malnourished by the time you hit
Arizona, but I think you can handle it.

Now.  Rt 66 - The Mother Road.  I traveled, actually drove on it from
Chicago to Az where I headed up to Las Vegas, NV.  That'll give you a
clue to my age.

I also would like to make that ride.  In fact, New Mexico does have a Rt
66 ride.

A couple of years ago I drove from Long Beach, CA down to Lake
Havasu, AZ.  Every now and then I would see signs that said, "Rt. 66".  
And there it was, mostly dirt or broken pavement.  Many times
separated from the interstate by barbwire or a fence.

So, as to your bike.  Make sure it can handle at least 28 mm wide tires.  
That'll get you over the hard pack, and if you find you have to get up
on the interstate, they might help in preventing tire troubles.  
Interstates are not clean places to ride bikes.

If you're flexible, you might get a set of maps from Adventure Cycling
for their Southern Route.  Don't exactly how it goes, but the route
might have better roads that 66.

Your trip sounds exciting.  Wish I could do it with you.

Offline jl_longstaff

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2007, 10:22:03 pm »
Lets make it easy. Dumpster diving, stealth camping, sleeping wherever is not conducive to good health or safety.  Females are obviously more vunerable, how many men are raped, or otherwise molested by females?
We had a female, college educated, "idealogue" who vanashed. Yes we had some info, arrested as a vagrant, hospitalized after being beaten, probable rape, (police report) other law enforcement encounters etc.
No resolution to her disapearance; presumed dead. No one could talk sense to her, now, no one can talk to her.  Maybe if we had really chewed her out, (reason and common sense didn't work); maybe if she was forbidden to go; maybe.......

Offline StephanieP

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2007, 02:35:57 am »
Alright, kiddo. I was biting my tongue. Telling me I'll be molested and left for dead are presumptuous thoughts. This, though--"Females are obviously more vunerable, how many men are raped, or otherwise molested by females? "--is not only disgusting and ignorant; it is completely unrelated and UNCALLED for in this forum. The reason women are RAPED is because men REFUSE to take responsibility for their own actions. Not because women are irresponsible! By posting this, I feel that you have exhibited the kind of casual disregard that is the inherent CAUSE for violence against women. This is not the tone of a concerned peer (And, though many replies have been ill-communicated I believe that most are with good intention). It is the voice of someone so naive that they cannot see the harm in their own dense opinions.
Please take your sexist attitude elsewhere. Let's keep this adventure & bicycle-related.

Offline centrider

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2007, 06:13:09 pm »
Right, StephanieP,

See my posting on the 16th,

Lots of people make that ride.  I wouldn't unless I had support.  
However, I'm not whatever age you are.

Personally I think there's more danger being run down by some
careless driver than all the other hazzards possited here.

What I suggested above comes from not only becoming a rider at my
age, but also training others to ride over the past several years.


Offline jl_longstaff

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2007, 06:49:48 pm »
I've heard it before.  It didn't work on her either.  It's not presumptious. There are possibilities and probabilities; the possibilities of being molested etc. are slim, but the concequencies are irreversable, and to some, myself included, out weigh the risks.  Most men do take responsability for their actions,  Rapists don't care about the result of their actions and don't see their victims as people. Women are not raped because they are irresponsable, but because they become a target of opportunity for someone bent on mayhem.  I never implied they are raped because they are irresponsable.  Taking precautions and not putting oneself in perilous situations is only common sense. However the unexpected cannot be planned for.  What if? Is a question one should apply to many situations. Distraction,and fatigue leave many in jeopardy. Your plans imply that you intend to dumpster dive, sleep/camp as opportunity presents.  Post as you go along, keep in touch with your family, and make law enforcement, and/or other responsable people aware of you presence.

Offline boonebikeguy

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #50 on: May 03, 2007, 02:39:56 pm »
Wow I see I division between people who are responsible and people who do not give a crap. I am SAVING my money now to ride in August. I have told my boss that I will be gone for two months at least. I would never eat out of a dumpster. I respect peoples land and property enough not to crap on their land and 'stealth camp'. But other people do nt care or respect other people and that is clear from s few responses here.
I respect your desire to ride, but ask yourself some basic questions:

What happens if I get hurt real bad? Do I even have enough money to eat and recover once I get OUT of the hospital? Can I have a place to stay ? Buy  bus ticket if worse comes to worse? Will I have my hand out and expect others to foot the bill?

SOrry but I don't respect cyclists that just don't give a sh*t about others and think ONLY of themselves. With riding comes responsibility. You cannot view this as something everyone else needs to support and then lower your standards to eat out of trash cans etc.. If you respect yourself then you will prepare for this. And there is never a "LAST CHANCE TO DO THIS" scenario. Infact if you are committed you will find ways to do exactly what you want, it is called drive and work ethic. I would respect you much more if you worked a crap job all summer saved money up and then next summer or in the fall or whenever, did your ride for as long as you wanted and had money to support yourself. So whatever. I mean you and others here can judge me but you know something? I payed for a patron membership here for a reason and I am going to ride across this nation for a cause as well as for my enjoyment. I will also hjave money and resopurce to address almost any contingency. Others here obiovusly do not do this and simply don't care what their actions do to others nor respect others enough to be self-reliant and respectful to others property and land. This is why people hate cyclist much of the time, because a few bad apples. Now I am not sayin anyone here in specific does this and I apologize in advance for any insultes precieved from thiss, but riding responsibally is the best route. The people others talk about are the kind of people that trash camp-sites when they 'stealth' camp leave pollution like feces urine and garbage behind bath with chemicles in prisitne lakes, ruin eco-systems on a  small scale by intruding where they are not premitted and then tell people they LOOOVE mother earth. Nothing could be further from the truth. You should consider what you want and plan. Nothing good comes from a lack of planning.

I expect flames in response but do not care. What I have said is true.

Ride well and ride safe.

Nothing worthwile is cheap or easy.

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline boonebikeguy

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2007, 02:46:40 pm »

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

This message was edited by boonebikeguy on 5-3-07 @ 11:17 AM
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline boonebikeguy

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #52 on: May 03, 2007, 02:52:31 pm »


"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

This message was edited by boonebikeguy on 5-3-07 @ 11:27 AM
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline dmw4322

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2007, 08:58:24 pm »
not this thread again.

look, in the last aca newsletter there is a link to the dirtrag article
about the guy who eats out of dumpsters. aparently aca (the host of
this forum) aproves of that style of traveling so if you are morally at
odds with it you might do better posting somewhere else.

people get so extreme on these forums. crapping in peoples yards? i'm
not sure anyone is suggesting that. you make it sound like people are
seting up camp in you front yard and digging through your garbage
cans for dinner and then using your porch for a toliet. that's not how
this type of travelling works. it's called stealth camping for a reason.
it's usually done in a rual setting, far from any residence, and no trace
is left. as far as dumpstering, it's done in commercail dumpsters, not
residental trash cans. you don't dig through trash to eat exposed food
and you don't leave trash scattered all over the place and you don't do
it in front of people eating dinner. you look for expired products,
dented cans, cans without labels, etc. and you don't harm anyone or
anything in the process.

best wishes, doug

This message was edited by dmw4322 on 5-3-07 @ 4:59 PM

Offline centrider

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #54 on: May 03, 2007, 09:23:38 pm »
Yeah!  I agree.

Several months ago my club had a speaker who rode a Trek road bike
from the East Coast to Cal carrying everything in 2 behind-the-seat
water bottles and something wraped around his top tube.  X-treme
touring I think he called it.

Not something I would do.  I think that's become our measure.  What
would I do?  But, than it's taken to the extreme - murder, rape,
disease, crapping in yards, etc.

Tsk, tsk

Offline boonebikeguy

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2007, 11:40:01 pm »
whatever, I did not see the date clearly and said what I said. Don't like it then too bad. All I suggested was to do it responsiblly not without planning. As for the assertion I 'need to post somewhere else'. I think you know what you can do with that comment. If not feel free to ask for directions as to where you can place it Doug. Claro?
I came here not to embroil myself in drama just to join a group intrested in cycling, and specifically across this nation. I guess some people feel this should be done diffrently, that is their right. Speaking on behalf of ACA is pretty big shoes to fill Doug. I am new here so I assume you speak on behalf of that organization. I am simply a member of that organization, and I would never speak on behalf of it unless I knew I was right, that would make me look foolish.

As for the extreme touring, I don't have any problems with that, but I have met individuals who are supposedly self-reliant etc.. that fit the mould of the type of people you find begging and dupmster diving basically. I just think being responsible and acting so is the best route, wether you Doug or Centrider believe it or not your actions affect others. Diving in dumpsters is pretty risky, if you were to be infected with some disease you then beome a carrier etc.. camping on peoples property without permission or so-called 'stealth' camping again is not cool or very nice. People have to use the bathroom and bathe if they use somones property without permission they can spoil any number of things by leaving 'no trace' in the form of excrement urine, and the chance of being shot by a farmer that does not know WHY some stranger has invaded his property is really an attractive notion isn't it? etc.. So again if that is what you want to do go for it, but it is highly uncool disrespectful and falls short of being a responsible rider, that's all. If commenting on peoples inability to plan something through is extreme? then what in the hell do you call dumpster diving and HOPING to make it? Normal? ANyway, you guys are not worth my time. I posted my threads, if people want to join me on a RAAM that is well planned and without dumpster diving and invading peoples property then they can contact me. I'll use whatever I like at the forums and post whatever I like. I don't care what you two think to be honest. I joined AC and this forum to do something positive, not to ride at others expenses or barely survive a ride because I did not plan it well.

 I won't post on this thread again, I apologize for it, I did not understand how old it was, now I am familiar with the dates etc.. I'll just bear this in mind next time.As for the article...who cares. I don't think the organization AC is coming out and advocating that, it was just an article in their publication, if that was true then a story about a car-bombing in Baghdad means newsweek suopports car-bombings, so maybe you better think about what you tell other members about posting somewhere else Doug, OR just keep your post to yourself and ignore me.  I can't believe I had to write three paragraphs  to explain myself to someone whos first post to me was to tell me to go  somewhere else, so Doug just plan on me ignoring anything else you have to say. Oh and hi.

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline dmw4322

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2007, 12:02:21 am »
sorry boone, i didn't mean to provoke such hostility from you. my post
was meant for everyone coming down so hard on the op, not just you. all
of the preaching and extreme views just make me need to vent at times. i
respect everyones opinions and hope you keep posting here. but if you
start your post by describing people you've never met as not giving a crap
about others you are going to get a heated response.
in kindness, doug

Offline boonebikeguy

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2007, 12:25:19 am »
? My apologies as well Doug. I really just came here for advice. I raced my whole life outside of working, the ONLY tours I ever did poutside of racing was a ride from Texas to Missourri. But you see we had a support van money...etc.. not an adventure by the standards of some of the veteran riders here. I joined as a paid member to gain insight advice and resources. I never came to heat people up or make anyone angry..and I can be harsh in criticisms so again I apologize. Look if you have something to tell me then feel free to visit the threads I make . I really could use any advice from people that have done this more than once or once and know what's up. Ok?

I didn't come here to be offensive or make enemies.

"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb

Offline dmw4322

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2007, 01:08:26 am »
apology accepted.

Offline centrider

Eating and spending on a two month biking spree
« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2007, 01:45:53 am »
I hope I'm not preachy.  We've all (I think) have done touring.  I've never
done a self-contained.  Others have done nothing but.

I my problem is that I don't know what, "stealth" camping is.  It sounds
sinsister.  However, if it means camping in such a way as to leave no
trace - nothing wrong with that.

Racing RAAM you have your facilities with you.  Touring with SAG - you
don't.  If you can wait for the next toilet you will - if you can't, you use
the "green" room.

Personally, I was disheartened by the over-the-top portrayal of
possibilities.  Tho I do agree that dumptser diving has its health risks.  
There's another possibility that,  in some communities of being
arrested for vagrancy.

Right I just looked at her starting date.  Maybe the next post from her
will be that she had a great time.

This message was edited by centrider on 5-3-07 @ 9:48 PM