whatever, I did not see the date clearly and said what I said. Don't like it then too bad. All I suggested was to do it responsiblly not without planning. As for the assertion I 'need to post somewhere else'. I think you know what you can do with that comment. If not feel free to ask for directions as to where you can place it Doug. Claro?
I came here not to embroil myself in drama just to join a group intrested in cycling, and specifically across this nation. I guess some people feel this should be done diffrently, that is their right. Speaking on behalf of ACA is pretty big shoes to fill Doug. I am new here so I assume you speak on behalf of that organization. I am simply a member of that organization, and I would never speak on behalf of it unless I knew I was right, that would make me look foolish.
As for the extreme touring, I don't have any problems with that, but I have met individuals who are supposedly self-reliant etc.. that fit the mould of the type of people you find begging and dupmster diving basically. I just think being responsible and acting so is the best route, wether you Doug or Centrider believe it or not your actions affect others. Diving in dumpsters is pretty risky, if you were to be infected with some disease you then beome a carrier etc.. camping on peoples property without permission or so-called 'stealth' camping again is not cool or very nice. People have to use the bathroom and bathe if they use somones property without permission they can spoil any number of things by leaving 'no trace' in the form of excrement urine, and the chance of being shot by a farmer that does not know WHY some stranger has invaded his property is really an attractive notion isn't it? etc.. So again if that is what you want to do go for it, but it is highly uncool disrespectful and falls short of being a responsible rider, that's all. If commenting on peoples inability to plan something through is extreme? then what in the hell do you call dumpster diving and HOPING to make it? Normal? ANyway, you guys are not worth my time. I posted my threads, if people want to join me on a RAAM that is well planned and without dumpster diving and invading peoples property then they can contact me. I'll use whatever I like at the forums and post whatever I like. I don't care what you two think to be honest. I joined AC and this forum to do something positive, not to ride at others expenses or barely survive a ride because I did not plan it well.
I won't post on this thread again, I apologize for it, I did not understand how old it was, now I am familiar with the dates etc.. I'll just bear this in mind next time.As for the article...who cares. I don't think the organization AC is coming out and advocating that, it was just an article in their publication, if that was true then a story about a car-bombing in Baghdad means newsweek suopports car-bombings, so maybe you better think about what you tell other members about posting somewhere else Doug, OR just keep your post to yourself and ignore me. I can't believe I had to write three paragraphs to explain myself to someone whos first post to me was to tell me to go somewhere else, so Doug just plan on me ignoring anything else you have to say. Oh and hi.
"Love is a river where crazy people drown"--Kyrgyz proverb