Author Topic: common mistakes for first epic road trip  (Read 6734 times)

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Offline bigringer

common mistakes for first epic road trip
« on: April 27, 2007, 08:34:03 pm »
I am considering a trip from raleigh north carolina to traverse city michigan.  I am a very experienced roadie usually logging between 200-300 miles weekley.  I plan on sleeping in a tent most of the time and my most biggest concern is having a place to sleep overnight.  I am also concerned about planning a route that doesn't end up and a closed dirt road under construction with a bridge out.  that kind of stuff seems to happen on my new training routes!
  I am sure there are many things I am overlooking and taking for granted, but I am after an adverture!

Offline miles2go

common mistakes for first epic road trip
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 09:49:08 pm »
If you're looking for an adventure, not doing much planning is a pretty good way to go especially in the US since there's a convenient store right around every corner.

Addressing your tread title; I'd say that a common mistake for first time tourers is to look at their day ride experience to set daily mileages for loaded touring.  Of course if you're not so interested in kicking back much and meeting others/seeing things then perhaps high daily mileages are the thing for you.

I'm an ex-Cat 2 roadie and time trialist.  That said, for touring, *my* favorite cruising speed is about 11-13mph and I add on a couple of hours per day for distractions.  Of course this is your choice so knowing what you'd like is central to enjoying your tour.


« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 03:19:10 am by miles2go »

Offline ptaylor

common mistakes for first epic road trip
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2007, 08:38:28 am »
If you haven't already, be sure to review the ACA How-To Department. It has a wealth of practical advice.

Unfortunately, there's no way around your BRIDGE OUT scenario. But those events are rare. While you will hit a lot of road construction, the roads are usually passable. If not, that just adds to the adventure.

Be sure to do a few weekend trips near home, to get a feel for loaded touring. Ride out to a campground 50 or so miles away, spend the night, and ride back the next day...better yet, do a three day triangle tour, making two overnights at different places.

It's unfortunate that your planned trip doesn't follow any of the ACA National Bike Routes.  If it did, you could have your route and overnights practically planned for you.


Offline Seel

common mistakes for first epic road trip
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2007, 10:23:04 am »
I'm headed in the opposite direction this summer -Dayton, Oh to Sunset Beach, NC. I'd be very interested in the route you're planning!

I using one that gets me from Dayton to and through the Mt. Roger's rec. area - it's been used by others here to hook-up with the AC Trans AM route. However, from Mouth of Wilson, VA south I've used various maps, etc. to get to Sunset Beach.

Any information you may be willing to share would be greatly appreciated. I can forward you the route I have if you're interested.
