I'll give some free advice. If your goal is to get faster and/or stronger than your normal level, you have to train/work to do that. Riding 33 mile rides at a medium pace year round will allow you to ride 33 miles at a medium pace. You get faster and stronger by exerting yourself beyond your current comfort level. You have to force the muscles to put out more energy and get stronger. Riding at your current comfort level is good for general aerobic exercise and probably maintaining weight. But it won't get you faster or much stronger.
As others have pointed out there are many sources for various training regimes. Probably any will work well enough assuming they all tell, force you to exert yourself beyond what you are currently doing. Then rest some. Then repeat this over the next days, weeks, months, years, etc.
Training, exerting yourself beyond your current comfort level is not just for racers. Tourists benefit too. The faster, stronger you are, the easier it is to climb a mountain with a fully loaded bike. Easier it is to ride into a day long headwind. You will have more energy to enjoy your evenings after the biking is done if you are stronger, faster, fitter. Touring isn't much fun if you drag into town and have barely enough energy to eat before collapsing to do it again the next day. Better to ride in fresh wishing you could do more riding and go to bed full of energy looking forward to the next day of riding. You can do this if you work, train, prepare your body before the tour starts.