Author Topic: How do you pack it?  (Read 4764 times)

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Offline MichaelTheWingN

How do you pack it?
« on: September 18, 2007, 11:54:57 am »
So, I was wandering how cyclists pack or store odd ball things to take advantage of space.

As well all know, a fold up tire is a life saver on the road. I never tour without one. As I only pull a trailer, and as a fold up tire takes up a lot of room, I kept looking for a way to stow it. Then I had an epiphany, I zip tied it under the carriage of the trailer! Now, all my spare tires -- a fold up tire and spare tire for the trailer -- are zip tied under the trailer. It's out of the way, I still have ground clearance and all I need to carry is a few spare zip ties!

Got a trick with packing gear to take advantage of space? Please share with the class! :)

Have a good ride!

Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live. Mark Twain
Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live. Mark Twain