Author Topic: Another stop on the northern tier  (Read 4960 times)

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Offline gtmtnbikr2001

Another stop on the northern tier
« on: January 09, 2008, 10:44:38 pm »
Hello again everybody.  This is Craig from Pedalworks in Republic Wa.  To all of you that stopped and visited last touring summer, hope your trips worked out for the best.  This year, I will be set up to service your bikes needs at the Ferry county fairground campsite, or where ever you stop.  I will try to stock up on fuel for stoves, such as MSR, Coleman, and Primus.  I will have gallons of fuel to fill your bottles for the liquid stoves such as the MSR wisperlite.  I will have a few small tarps, and other camping supplies.  For your bikes, I will try to stock more brake pads than last year, and of course, tube, tires, cables, and other parts.  A word of advice, I seen alot of riders with chain and seat trouble coming through, its a good idea to have your local shop look everything over before you take off.  Lets all do our part to make this another great touring year.  Good luck everyone.  
Craig Cooper
po box 26
Republic Wa, 99166. 509-863-3283