Author Topic: c-pap machines when "tenting" on group rides  (Read 4735 times)

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Offline IJD

c-pap machines when "tenting" on group rides
« on: March 27, 2008, 10:08:15 am »
Has anyone found any new technology for c-pap machines so that we could join group rides with tenting in places that do not have electricity?

Offline HONDO

c-pap machines when "tenting" on group rides
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 10:17:13 am »
Besides cycling Im a resp. therapist and the cpap machines we deal with in the hosp. have a battery pack as backup if we lose power or have to transfer a pt. the only thing I know to do is call the comp. that you use for your equipment and see if they have any type of battery backup units and see how long they last.hope it works out for you.

Offline bogiesan

c-pap machines when "tenting" on group rides
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 09:23:14 am »
I have a buddy who uses c-pap unit at home but a mouthpiece when
traveling. His apnea may not resemble your condition, though. Can
your doctor fit you with a temporary system for adventure traveling?

david boise ID

go, ristretto, FCP/AE
"Read the manual."
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent

Offline paddleboy17

c-pap machines when "tenting" on group rides
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 02:02:24 pm »
I have the same problem, I physically cannot sleep with out a CPAP machine anymore.  I bought a compact CPAP machine, for around $300.  I want to say that I bought a Puritan-Bennet Good Night, but I am going from memory and may be a little off.  I am able to make room for it in my panniers.  I am in the process of fabricating a battery pack for it that uses D cells.  One thing you will have find out is current draw.  I need 0.5, amps which means 4 amp-hours per night.  I think 8 D-cells will give me 2 or 3 nights.  I still need to actually try it out though.  The pre-fabbed battery packs are really expensive, like $300 for a 4AH batter pack.
