Author Topic: White gas on the GDMBR?  (Read 9234 times)

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Offline SandLizrd

White gas on the GDMBR?
« on: April 16, 2008, 08:54:12 pm »
I've just committed to the GDMBR this summer!  Kind of exciting, it's my first time out there. Maps are ordered, bike's getting prepped and now it's time to figure out the rest of the gear.

I've heard there are shops that will sell you a pint, or a quart of white gas for stoves, so you don't need to buy a gallon and don't need to muck up your stove with unleaded fuel.

But where are these shops?  Has Adventure Cycling got any tracks on this detail?

Thanks in advance

This message was edited by SandLizrd on 4-16-08 @ 5:17 PM

Offline cny-bikeman

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 09:29:26 pm »
Use Coleman fuel - purest version of gasoline you can get.

Offline SandLizrd

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2008, 10:45:49 pm »
Coleman fuel is another name for white gas, oh enlightened one

Offline JayH

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 09:38:05 am »
You can find smaller MSR brand of white gas at some camping outfitters but typically you'll find colemans at Walmarts, etc. etc. and in that regard, the gallon sized Colemans.  

Some hardware stores, usually the smaller ones in smaller towns will fill your fuel bottle for a small fee and that is where i would try to look for refueling. Small mom and pop hardware stores.  


Offline staehpj1

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 10:23:00 am »
Not sure about GDMBR, but on my 2007 tour we did see a few places that sold Coleman fuel in quart bottles.

Offline DaveB

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 10:24:21 pm »
If you already have a white gas only stove it's too late for this recommendation but, if not, MSR and others make multi-fuel stoves that will burn just about anything.  

They will take an almost unlimited diet of unleaded gasoline and you might get a pint or so for nothing by hanging around a filling station and intercepting someone who is filling his car.  Or by just draining the remaining liquid in the hoses that have been hung back on the pumps.  

They will also burn Kerosine which is a safer fuel than white gas.  Odorless kerosine is available in 1 qt bottles at nearly any hardware, home store or Wal-Mart, etc. since it is used in decorative lamps.

This message was edited by DaveB on 4-17-08 @ 6:24 PM

Offline freightbike

White gas on the GDMBR?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2008, 12:33:12 pm »
Whenever I travel and stay at campgrounds, I walk about and look for other campers who appear to be using white gas stoves, lanterns, etc. It's even easier just at late dusk, look for the blare of coleman lanterns. I walk up and ask if I might buy a quart for, say, five bucks. Nine times out of ten they'll just give it to me. You might have to talk to them and tell part of your story but most folks are glad to be rid of the stuff so they don't have to worry about storing the fuel at home.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

This message was edited by freightbike on 4-24-08 @ 8:46 AM
May the wind at your back always smell like home.