Author Topic: Storing Bike Box in France  (Read 4086 times)

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Offline O_we_go

Storing Bike Box in France
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:46:59 pm »
I'm doing a 3 week tour in Southern France this summer, starting in Avingon. Does anyone have information on how/where to store bike boxes in Avingon, for 3 weeks? I'll be taking the TGV (train) from Paris, to Avingon.

Offline erniegrillo

Storing Bike Box in France
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2008, 01:14:40 pm »
I stayed just outside Paris a few years ago and stayed at the same hotel for 2 nights before and one night after a 3 week tour. The hotel kept my bike box in storage for me for the entire time and did not charge me for strorage.