Author Topic: Traveling with a dog  (Read 6030 times)

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Offline billy&clyde

Traveling with a dog
« on: May 24, 2008, 09:26:20 pm »
Has anyone traveled on any of the adventure cycling routes with a dog
and if so, do you have any insights, suggestions or other info? We are
looking to go down the west coast, to Arizona, up to Colorado where we
will join the Transamerica route. Any info is appreciated.


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Traveling with a dog
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 10:35:08 pm »
Does your dog want to go?

Offline freightbike

Traveling with a dog
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 12:18:17 am »
Reminds me of the guy who I met in Montana back in 83. He was riding from Boston to Seatle with an Irish setter in a trailer. He didn't want to risk the dog getting hit by cars, so my suggestion that he put a harness on it and help him over the hills didn't sit too well with him. I suppose it's like dogs in cars, they have to just sit there for hours and not get spooked or excited into doing something inapropriate.
 I guess it depends on the type of dog and what its temperment is. And what is the probable reaction of people you encounter along the way.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.
May the wind at your back always smell like home.

Offline valygrl

Traveling with a dog
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 01:53:07 am »
Look up Hank Raines on, he has toured with a couple of terriers.

Offline scott.laughlin

Traveling with a dog
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 01:33:47 pm »
Barb and I took McBark with us behind a tandem.  He crossed Arizona's Sonoran Desert, went to Grand Canyon and across Missouri's Katy.  In addition we followed back roads anc crossed Death Valley on our way from Mexico to Portland on a Honda dirt bike--a Honda Thumper.  We had to stop often so he could stretch his legs.  He was an ice breaker.

McBark was well mannered, but we kept him attached to the trailer because he loved to chase squirrels and rabbits.

Take your dog.