Author Topic: Favotire Bike tour  (Read 5560 times)

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Offline bowman

Favotire Bike tour
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:16:56 pm »
What has been your favorite route & why? I'm a nature lover, love the woods and some neat terrain. Working on my first long tour. I have been on Ragbri in IA 8 times and kind of board with it to some degree. Going to venture off to somewhere sooner or later. Would like to hear of some cool ideas.

Offline WesternFlyer

Favotire Bike tour
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 02:43:28 am »
You came to the right place.  Go to the ACA home page and click on register your ride and click on review rides.  There is another touring website called "" with hundreds of journals people have posted on their rides and it is all searchable.

For me the best ride is the next ride I am planning and second is the last ride I told my grandchildren about.  Of course when you are on the road that is your focus.  And someday, hopefully soon, the first multi-day ride with my grandchildren

Good reading and riding.

Western Flyer

A wheel spins in a circle.
The still point at the center
gives it direction.
Be still.

   "The Parents' Tao Te Ching"
Western Flyer

We must ride light and swift.  It is a long road ahead.

King Theoden

Offline Peaks

Favotire Bike tour
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 06:28:56 pm »
If you are looking for supported tours, similar to RAGBRAI, surf on over to (National Bike Tour Directors Association).  It lists a variety of multi day tours.  

If you are looking for a week long tour, but not as large as RAGBRAI, and more for the casual rider, then there are several options.  You might consider the Bon Ton Routlet, or Bike Virginia.  Ourselves, we think Al Hastings runs an excellent bike tour (In Motion Events).  

Offline tgpelz

Favotire Bike tour
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2008, 07:38:33 pm »

-Touring alone?
-What state do you live in?
-How far can you drive (IE, how much time off can you take for the ride, 'cause you have to get to the start, ride the ride, get back to the start and get home)
-Have you done any non-supported touring before?
-Are you a history buff (serious question, as some trails are historical and part of your travel time will be taking time to stop and read the historical markers, or taking side trips to nearby communities)
-What kind of bike?  Road, recumbent, Mountain, touring specific?
-Do you need frequent internet access?  Remember although you may access the Internet via your cellphone, some places have really crappy cell service.

Answer the above and we can give you some suggestions

Offline hikergrl

Favotire Bike tour
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2008, 04:05:02 pm »

My husband just left for that today, unfortunately I ran out of leave :(

We just did a bike tour of Portugal and it was absolutely gorgeous!

We met friends that run the BRAG (Bike Ride Across GA).

I just joined ACA and am very much looking fwd to planning some of our own trips.

Good luck!

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