Author Topic: issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?  (Read 6679 times)

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Offline dubovsmj

issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?
« on: August 05, 2008, 04:25:06 am »
just wondering if anyone out there has had any run-ins with snakes and/or scorpions while treking across the southern tier route, or anywhere out in the southwest for that matter.  wasn't sure what the best way to "deal" with these critters while camping and wasn't sure what might attract them to a campsite if at yeh...any advices along those lines would be dandy.

Offline JayH

issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 11:23:43 am »
they're just looking for warm shelters overnight, being cold blooded they can't regulate their body temperature.

The usual precautions about shoes and any other enclosure they will crawl into apply.  Either put the shoes inside your tent (if it's bug proof) or check them in the morning.


This message was edited by JayH on 8-5-08 @ 7:29 AM


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issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 10:16:10 pm »
im not in the southwest but i am from kentucky and boy do we have a lot of snakes! most of the time when i encounter a snake while camping or walking through the woods i just stand real still and in  a few seconds the snake wiill generally turn in the opposite direction.  at night they look for warm places and in the daytime they look for cool places like bushes and the shade of fallen timber. they really love low lying swampy areas and in places where a lot of driftwood is piled or fallen branches. you should always be carefull in the mornings when you wake up and walk around your tent especially if you had a campfire the night before, the snakes tend to like warm rocks like the kind that go around a campfire. always check your gear cautiously, sometimes its better to use a long stick to kind of punch your gear and see if anything moves inside it. snakes are very unpredictable. but the main thing that a lot of people dont know is this,,, snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. they will rarely strike unless they feel like they are in danger or theyre guarding a nest. it would be a good idea to carry a long stick with a forked end so if you were in a situation where the snake didnt leave but charges you , then you could pin it down with the forked stick  and cut its head off. but a snake will rarely attack. as of scorpions i dont have a clue. ive never dealt with those critters and hope i never have to... hope this helps a bit..


Offline JayH

issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 09:04:07 am »
In some cases, killing the snake would be illegal, the mere touching of certain endangered snakes like a timber rattlesnake is illegal and I suggest if you in any chance setup came in a snake den, instead of confronting the snake, no matter whether it "charges" you or does nothing, to simply move your tent to someplace not in the way.  


Offline dubovsmj

issues with snakes/scorpions-southern tier?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 10:00:33 am »
thanks for advies ya'll...i'm up in virginia and we deal with copperheads and a few timber rattlers, and harmless black snakes...but i guess i figured it was different ball game down in the southlands of the U.S., which it sounds to be a little different.  thanks again!
