Author Topic: Northern Tier  (Read 13995 times)

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Offline Peaks

Northern Tier
« on: January 04, 2004, 03:55:12 pm »
If, as the information says, route though the Northern Cascades and Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier Park are only open certain dates due to snow conditions, then:

A.  What generally are the dates?

B.  What is a good start date for this route?

C.  Are there good alternate routes for these two?

Offline bikerbob

Northern Tier
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2004, 03:39:34 pm »
I did the Northern Tier with Adventure Cycling in 2003. We  started from Anacortes on May 29. The group went over the Going to the Sun on June 15th. It had only been open for a day or two then due to an snow slide. Opening date of course depends upon the amount of snowfall and the spring thaw
Park rules state that you must be at the top by 11 AM. the evening before we stayed at Avalanche creek campground. From Avalanche Creek it is about a 3-4 hour ride. Grade is 6%. Beautiful scenery.
As an option if you look at the Adventure Cycling map for that area there is an optional route.
Enjoy your ride. I certainly did.
If schedule permits I would recommend thatyou join the Adventure Cycling Northwern Tourfor 2004  

Offline TRobertson

Northern Tier
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2004, 04:28:47 pm »
The northern Cascades are generally open between late
April and late November. For exact dates, call the park in
Sedro-Woolley at 206-856-5700.

A good number to have to check on the conditions  
for Glacier National Park is 406-888-7800. We generally
suggest to folks to give them a call to see what the current
conditions are and if they have any ideas of when it will
open. Keep in mind that snow can happen during any month.

Also, there is an alternate route that goes around the
southside of the park if it is closed. While not as scenic as
going over Logan Pass (there isn't much that is), it offers
good riding and low traffic along the Middle Fork of the
Flathead River.

This message was edited by TRobertson on 1-7-04 @ 1:01 PM