Author Topic: Italy touring  (Read 5839 times)

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Offline bobiam

Italy touring
« on: November 30, 2004, 07:34:43 pm »
I'm interested in a guided 10 day +/- tour in Italy in later 2005.   I'd like any feedback about what tour companies to check out or avoid, based on your experience.


Offline Harv

Italy touring
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 03:15:08 am »
I've used Experience Plus four times (two to Italy) and Ciclo Posse once.  Both are very good.  X-Plus is a family-run business out of Ft. Collins, Colorado, with strong Italy connections.  Considering the Euro, it's economical.  Ciclo Posse is an Italian couple.  Marco,the husband, is pazzo (crazy) but a lot of fun.  The difference: with X-Plus, an American company, you'll have the "safety meeting" before you start; with Ciclo Posse, Marco will ride with you sometimes, occasionally in the oncoming lane, usually with one hand on his cell and the other reserved for classic Italian gestures.  I'd use either one again in a minute.  Good luck - you'll love biking in Italy.

This message was edited by Harv on 12-26-04 @ 11:16 PM