Author Topic: Canada route help!  (Read 12422 times)

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Offline amino

Canada route help!
« on: July 17, 2005, 02:30:47 pm »
I'm going to tour Canada for 2-3 weeks or so very soon.  problem is, i can't seem to find much information on hostels, campgrounds, favored routes, etc.  i would think there would be a guide out there with stops, etc?  i would be starting in montreal and going east.  i know the route verte covers some.

Offline geegee

Canada route help!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2005, 12:02:37 am »
It's good that you've already looked into the Route Verte. Quebec is the
only province to have such a comprehensive network of bike routes. As
with the roads in the Maritime provinces, what you see on the map is
what you got. However, New Brunswick has great highways to bike on
with really wide shoulders, much better than Quebec's. Nova Scotia's
highways are mostly coastal, with very rare shoulders but drivers seem
to expect cyclists on them and are very courteous. Likewise with PEI.
Most of the larger towns have decent services throughout Eastern
Canada and free-camping opportunities abound.

Offline geegee

Canada route help!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2005, 04:35:03 pm »
A bit more on preferred routes:
Between Montreal and Quebec city, the north shore of the St Lawrence
River is the way to go. I've biked this several times and it is quite flat
except the approach towards Quebec City. There are some steep hills
within Quebec city but there are ways around them. Past Quebec City,
take the south shore route by taking the ferry across to Lévis.

You can get to New Brunswick in two prefered routes, depending on
the experience you want.
1.  From Rivière-du-Loup you can take the Petit-Temis bike path which
is an old converted railway (so the grades are gentle) and then you can
cycle the interior of New Brunswick via the St. John River valley
2. You could cycle farther downstream on the St Lawrence to Mont-Joli
and take the Matapédia valley via Causapscal to Campbelton, NB, then
cycle along what is called the Acadian shore or the Northumberland
strait - this is a pretty area of sand dunes and French fishing villages.

Nova Scotia organizes it routes in "themes". i.e. the Lighthouse route,
Evangeline Trail, etc. The tourist office will give you detailed info on

If you are going to Prince Edward Island, don't get ideas about cycling
the 17 km Confederation Bridge.  There is a free bike shuttle from the
administration building. Some cyclists try to sneak and bike across but
they end up sending a truck to pick you off the road and possibly fine
you. Too bad, the bridge has nice wide shoulders, but I guess it gets
too windy that it can be dangerous.

Offline Nate

Canada route help!
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 12:42:43 am »
Can Geeg supply information about carrying bicycles on VIA trains
from Windsor to Quebec City to Moncton, N.B.  I am interested in
cycling some of that route and taking the railroad for the rest.

Offline bikerbob

Canada route help!
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2006, 06:32:48 pm »
You're a virtual fount of information is very helpful
How do I miss the hills in Quebec City? I'm a prairie kid at heart and I do not like hills
Where can I locate more information on the Petit-Temis bike path path and cycling the interior of NB via the St John River Valley?
Also I plan to cycle PEI and cross into NS at Woods Island. Rather than highway 1 to Halifax , how about using Highway 7? It doesn't appear to be a major highway.
Should I purchase the book on cycling NS?

Offline geegee

Canada route help!
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 07:35:21 pm »
VIA Rail will take bikes on trains with baggage cars only. There is a flat
fee of $15 ($30 for tandems) regardless of any transfers you have to
make, so even if you have to switch trains in Montreal, there is no extra
charge. The problem is that not all trains have baggage cars all the
time and your bike may have to wait for one. The "Ocean" which runs
from Montreal to the Maritimes always has one.

The steep hills in Quebec City are pretty short. You can "avoid" them by
sticking to the bike path on the rivershore to the lower city and walking
up to the upper city or by riding up the gradual incline on the Grande
Allée which could be quite busy with traffic.

The Petit-Témis is part of the
Route Verte. As for cycling along the Saint-John river valley, just follow
Route 144 to Grand Falls, 105 to Fredericton, 112 to Moncton, 134 to
Shediac. Take the coast road (950/955) towards the bridge to PEI. The
admin building where you take the bridge shuttle is on that road
towards Bayfield, just past the overpass at Hwy 16 (do not go on Hwy

NS route 7 is really pretty and offers classic Nova Scotia views of coves
and lighthouse points, much like route 3 to the south but quieter. No
shoulders mostly but the drivers are careful.

I'll be riding most of this route again from Ontario in late July as I'm
heading off to a highschool reunion in Cape Breton.