Author Topic: Touring Baja  (Read 6085 times)

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Offline petehern

Touring Baja
« on: July 26, 2005, 04:02:09 am »
I'd like to tour Baja this September, probably Tijuana to La Paz. Anyone know anything? I've got lots of questions:

What Mex 1 like for touring?

What's the camping situation like?

What sort of maps should I get?

Offline mnlyn

Touring Baja
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2005, 03:00:17 am »
I've just been considering such a trip myself over the last few days and have been reading a few trip reports at .  Other than that I haven't found too much info yet.  I was hoping to do the Great Divide this year but may have trouble getting started by September, which I figured would be the latest I would want to start that route because of unpredictable weather in October in the Rockies.  If I don't make the G.D. trip I was planning on spending some time in Baja instead.  Send me an email if you'd be interested in a possible companion for the trip or to share info.