Author Topic: NY State Bike Route 5  (Read 9041 times)

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Offline 10thgear

NY State Bike Route 5
« on: August 30, 2005, 02:35:58 pm »
Several years ago, I rode from Niagara Falls to Massachusetts on a route that I had planned. Recently, I have discovered SBR5. Has anyone ridden all or part of this route? If so, any suggestions on terrain, road conditions, or your personal preferences?

I already have the maps for NYDOT.

Offline Peaks

NY State Bike Route 5
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2005, 09:32:29 pm »
As I recall (correct me if I am wrong), SR 5 parrallels the Erie Canal.  For the section that I did, it's gently rolling and has a shoulder.  Generally goes through smaller towns, but does go through Rochester.